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How can I edit an Admin Command?



Hello averyone!


I want to edit an Admin command (//create_item). The problem is that only create items to me. I need that this commando be able to create the items to the target too.

Thank you!

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Admincommandhandlers find it in your scripts or in your core if you are using aCis. Then simply add check to target to get The PcInstance

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Say what? It's working already.. Just take a target and make a command. :o


If target is not found, you create item for urself, if found = to the target.

  • 0

Admincommandhandlers find it in your scripts or in your core if you are using aCis. Then simply add check to target to get The PcInstance


Thank you! I will try in the scripts.


Say what? It's working already.. Just take a target and make a command. :o


If target is not found, you create item for urself, if found = to the target.


I know, but in this datapack don't work. All the items created are for myself. Thanks.

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I think that //create_item already has the ability to give items to a selected target.


Anyway, you can edit the command from the admincommanhandlers package.

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So, show us the code. AdminCreateItem.java or how it's called on your project. :)


Especially this part, similar to this or even the same.. You know differences between projects :P


if (command.startsWith("admin_create_item"))

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Thank for reply! I found my java code:


package handlers.admincommandhandlers;

import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.ItemTable;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.IAdminCommandHandler;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ItemList;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.templates.item.L2Item;

* This class handles following admin commands:
* - itemcreate = show menu
* - create_item <id> [num] = creates num items with respective id, if num is not specified, assumes 1.
* @version $Revision: $ $Date: 2005/04/11 10:06:06 $
public class AdminCreateItem implements IAdminCommandHandler
private static final String[] ADMIN_COMMANDS =

public boolean useAdminCommand(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar)
	if (command.equals("admin_itemcreate"))
		AdminHelpPage.showHelpPage(activeChar, "itemcreation.htm");
	else if (command.startsWith("admin_create_item"))
			String val = command.substring(17);
			StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(val);
			if (st.countTokens() == 2)
				String id = st.nextToken();
				int idval = Integer.parseInt(id);
				String num = st.nextToken();
				long numval = Long.parseLong(num);
				createItem(activeChar, idval, numval);
			else if (st.countTokens() == 1)
				String id = st.nextToken();
				int idval = Integer.parseInt(id);
				createItem(activeChar, idval, 1);
		catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
			activeChar.sendMessage("Usage: //itemcreate <itemId> [amount]");
		catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
			activeChar.sendMessage("Specify a valid number.");
		AdminHelpPage.showHelpPage(activeChar, "itemcreation.htm");
	return true;

public String[] getAdminCommandList()

private void createItem(L2PcInstance activeChar, int id, long num)
	L2Item template = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(id);
	if (template == null)
		activeChar.sendMessage("This item doesn't exist.");
	if (num > 20)
		if (!template.isStackable())
			activeChar.sendMessage("This item does not stack - Creation aborted.");

	activeChar.getInventory().addItem("Admin", id, num, activeChar, null);

	ItemList il = new ItemList(activeChar, true);

	activeChar.sendMessage("You have spawned " + num + " item(s) number " + id + " in your inventory.");

  • 0

Thank for reply! I found my java code:


package handlers.admincommandhandlers;

import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.ItemTable;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.IAdminCommandHandler;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ItemList;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.templates.item.L2Item;

* This class handles following admin commands:
* - itemcreate = show menu
* - create_item <id> [num] = creates num items with respective id, if num is not specified, assumes 1.
* @version $Revision: $ $Date: 2005/04/11 10:06:06 $
public class AdminCreateItem implements IAdminCommandHandler
private static final String[] ADMIN_COMMANDS =

public boolean useAdminCommand(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar)
	if (command.equals("admin_itemcreate"))
		AdminHelpPage.showHelpPage(activeChar, "itemcreation.htm");
	else if (command.startsWith("admin_create_item"))
			String val = command.substring(17);
			StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(val);
			if (st.countTokens() == 2)
				String id = st.nextToken();
				int idval = Integer.parseInt(id);
				String num = st.nextToken();
				long numval = Long.parseLong(num);
				createItem(activeChar, idval, numval);
			else if (st.countTokens() == 1)
				String id = st.nextToken();
				int idval = Integer.parseInt(id);
				createItem(activeChar, idval, 1);
		catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
			activeChar.sendMessage("Usage: //itemcreate <itemId> [amount]");
		catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
			activeChar.sendMessage("Specify a valid number.");
		AdminHelpPage.showHelpPage(activeChar, "itemcreation.htm");
	return true;

public String[] getAdminCommandList()

private void createItem(L2PcInstance activeChar, int id, long num)
	L2Item template = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(id);
	if (template == null)
		activeChar.sendMessage("This item doesn't exist.");
	if (num > 20)
		if (!template.isStackable())
			activeChar.sendMessage("This item does not stack - Creation aborted.");

	activeChar.getInventory().addItem("Admin", id, num, activeChar, null);

	ItemList il = new ItemList(activeChar, true);

	activeChar.sendMessage("You have spawned " + num + " item(s) number " + id + " in your inventory.");


So are you ok?

  • 0

So are you ok?


What do you mean? This is the code of "AdminCreateItem.java" of my datapack.

I don't understand much of java. I want the items be able created to target player.

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Say what? It's working already.. Just take a target and make a command. :o


If target is not found, you create item for urself, if found = to the target.

You use too much aCis.

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Well I think nobody can help me. I want it only for a fast test.

When my server will be live it will not necessary.

Thank you anyway.


O.o wait...

activeChar.getInventory().addItem("Admin", id, num, activeChar, null);



I'm not sure what this does exacly... remove it and check if smth changed :D

  • 0

package handlers.admincommandhandlers;

import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.ItemTable;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.IAdminCommandHandler;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ItemList;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.templates.item.L2Item;

* This class handles following admin commands:
* - itemcreate = show menu
* - create_item <id> [num] = creates num items with respective id, if num is not specified, assumes 1.
* @version $Revision: $ $Date: 2005/04/11 10:06:06 $
public class AdminCreateItem implements IAdminCommandHandler
private static final String[] ADMIN_COMMANDS =

public boolean useAdminCommand(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar)
	if (command.equals("admin_itemcreate"))
		AdminHelpPage.showHelpPage(activeChar, "itemcreation.htm");
	else if (command.startsWith("admin_create_item"))
			L2PcInstance p = activeChar;
			if (activeChar.getTarget() != null && instanceof L2PcInstance)
				p = activeChar.getTarget();
			String val = command.substring(17);
			StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(val);
			if (st.countTokens() == 2)
				String id = st.nextToken();
				int idval = Integer.parseInt(id);
				String num = st.nextToken();
				long numval = Long.parseLong(num);
				createItem(p, idval, numval);
			else if (st.countTokens() == 1)
				String id = st.nextToken();
				int idval = Integer.parseInt(id);
				createItem(p, idval, 1);
		catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
			activeChar.sendMessage("Usage: //itemcreate <itemId> [amount]");
		catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
			activeChar.sendMessage("Specify a valid number.");
		AdminHelpPage.showHelpPage(activeChar, "itemcreation.htm");
	return true;

public String[] getAdminCommandList()

private void createItem(L2PcInstance activeChar, int id, long num)
	L2Item template = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(id);
	if (template == null)
		activeChar.sendMessage("This item doesn't exist.");
	if (num > 20)
		if (!template.isStackable())
			activeChar.sendMessage("This item does not stack - Creation aborted.");

	activeChar.getInventory().addItem("Admin", id, num, activeChar, null);

	ItemList il = new ItemList(activeChar, true);

	activeChar.sendMessage("You have spawned " + num + " item(s) number " + id + " in your inventory.");


This will be ok

  • 0

O.o wait...

activeChar.getInventory().addItem("Admin", id, num, activeChar, null);



I'm not sure what this does exacly... remove it and check if smth changed :D


"Admin" does nothing lol, that what matters is the object, in this case L2PcInstanece parametter

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"Admin" does nothing lol, that what matters is the object, in this case L2PcInstanece parametter


Okey, thanks for answer but considering that its doing nothing why is there?

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