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Rebuilding all Ranks - Suggest and win VIP status.

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Rebuilding all Ranks - Suggest and win VIP status.


Suggest new ranks (replacing the old ones) for maxcheaters.com forum and win VIP Membership.


We need ranks for general members , and ranks for staffers. The best option wins.

Optional you can suggest new rank images (for replacing stars)


Our current ranks are:








1 rank for General Marketplace


1 rank for Lol Marketplace


1 rank for l2 Marketplace


1 rank for the VIP download sections



aka some ppl will take care the trades on these 3 diff marketplaces.




1 rank for General Marketplace


1 rank for Lol Marketplace


1 rank for l2 Marketplace


1 rank for the VIP download sections



aka some ppl will take care the trades on these 3 diff marketplaces.



you didnt understand. i want full rank titles for all places (members count by post) and staffers ranks.



you didnt understand. i want full rank titles for all places (members count by post) and staffers ranks.



well my  thought was 4 new staff ranks for these sections.


well,i see that the ranks you posted above are nc...you have to add something for Marketplace ass well.

But i watch "SVIP" and "Supporter"

Can you give more info apout that?:D

Regards iP


Middle Man rank,add there only trusted ppl,i suggest Psomas2 and Magaki13.

y good idea...but i think psomas and magaki have already too much work ....

We need guys that have a lot of free time to spend..


Για τα staff ranks :




Global moderator






Gaming Moderator


Ο gaming moderator θα είναι το ανώτερο στο gaming section, θα έχει priv σε όλα τα gaming sections και υποκατηγορίες :


LoL Moderator , Diablo III moderator , WoW Moderator, επίσης το dota 1 να γίνει dota 2 πλέον και το dota 1 απλά να παραμείνει ως υποκατηγορία μέσα στο dota 2, άρα και

Dota 2 Moderator, HoN Moderator κτλπ


Η για συντομία μπορεί να μπει ένας mod για τα παιχνίδια LoL, Hon , Dota που είναι περίπου τα ίδια και μοιάζουν και τα άλλα ξέχωρα. Αλλά προφανώς πρέπει να χωριστούν οι mods οπωσδήποτε.


Legendary ktlp ας παραμείνουν ως έχουν.


Τώρα για normal members, η πρόταση μου είναι :


0-50 posts : Newbie, New Member

50-100 posts: Apprentice

100-300 posts : Disciple

300-500 posts :  Councilor

500-1000 posts : Devotee

1000-1500 posts : Elite Poster

1500-2500 posts : Forum Addict

2000-3500 posts : Board General

3500-5000 posts : Superior Deity


Αυτά είχα κατά νου αλλά υπάρχουν και άλλες πολλές ιδέες, αλλά αυτό εξαρτάται το τι αρέσει στον καθένα.



Had a bit of free time so here it is:

Non Poster - Newcomer
Newbie - Apprentice
Wannabe Cheater - Young Padawan
Rookie Cheater - Padawan
Little Cheater - Ubernein
Apprentice Cheater - Shoot for the Stars
Senior Cheater - Allmost there
Premier Cheater - Still a little bit
Professional Cheater - Still going on
Supreme Cheater - I can see the light
Max Cheater - Level up!
Maximum Cheater - A new beginning
Captain Cheater - More than meets the eye
Major! - Major breakthrough
Best Cheater! - Another dimension
Crazy Cheater! - Binary Code Sequence
The Craziest Cheater! - Black Ops Squad
Insane Cheater! - Al-Qaeda 
Da -beep-in Cheata! - Something something Obama
Cheater or Cheetah? - Undecided title
The GrandPa! - Enough is enough!
Cheaterdo! - Veteran dog tag
Cheaterdinator! - The Godfather
No Life! Just MxC! - What time is it?
I see Dead People! - I drink too much
Homepage: Maxcheaters! - Got 20$ in my pocket
Left Ma Bones! - Certified member
Warning 5000+ Posts!! - Sex, money and hoes!
Its over 9 thousand! - It's over 9000!


Για τα staff ranks :




Global moderator






Gaming Moderator


Ο gaming moderator θα είναι το ανώτερο στο gaming section, θα έχει priv σε όλα τα gaming sections και υποκατηγορίες :


LoL Moderator , Diablo III moderator , WoW Moderator, επίσης το dota 1 να γίνει dota 2 πλέον και το dota 1 απλά να παραμείνει ως υποκατηγορία μέσα στο dota 2, άρα και

Dota 2 Moderator, HoN Moderator κτλπ


Η για συντομία μπορεί να μπει ένας mod για τα παιχνίδια LoL, Hon , Dota που είναι περίπου τα ίδια και μοιάζουν και τα άλλα ξέχωρα. Αλλά προφανώς πρέπει να χωριστούν οι mods οπωσδήποτε.


Legendary ktlp ας παραμείνουν ως έχουν.


Τώρα για normal members, η πρόταση μου είναι :


0-50 posts : Newbie, New Member

50-100 posts: Apprentice

100-300 posts : Disciple

300-500 posts :  Councilor

500-1000 posts : Devotee

1000-1500 posts : Elite Poster

1500-2500 posts : Forum Addict

2000-3500 posts : Board General

3500-5000 posts : Superior Deity


Αυτά είχα κατά νου αλλά υπάρχουν και άλλες πολλές ιδέες, αλλά αυτό εξαρτάται το τι αρέσει στον καθένα.




What about gfx


Legendary ktlp , my proposal was on gaming mods and on normal ranks, the rest its ok for me at least.

Aha now I catch ya.


with the exception of WRD and Intrepid the rest of the staff are way below average.so the question is why getting into trouble making more staff groups?In order to fill the staff with useless,unneeded guys?hardly i could find good newblood as possible staffers


Way below average means: kiddy staff,guys hated by the majority of the users,scammers,attention whores,hatred amongst the staff itself,abusers,mentally broken,u18 yo


you could also rename Donator group to VIP  and make VIP into SVIP. (supporters,DOnators = same privileges)

(VIP-SVIP also same access)


EDIT for the VIP seekers: i dont need VIP status. i already have it stacked on my current status from the past.


with the exception of WRD and Intrepid the rest of the staff are way below average.so the question is why getting into trouble making more staff groups?In order to fill the staff with useless,unneeded guys?hardly i could find good newblood as possible staffers


Way below average means: kiddy staff,guys hated by the majority of the users,scammers,attention whores,hatred amongst the staff itself,abusers,mentally broken,u18 yo


you could also rename Donator group to VIP  and make VIP into SVIP. (supporters,DOnators = same privileges)

(VIP-SVIP also same access)


EDIT for the VIP seekers: i dont need VIP status. i already have it stacked on my current status from the past.

Im not going to make more groups, im about to remake them from scratch. Dont stuck on this current ranks, but take a look arround on google to check other forums how they have their ranks, we need fresh ideas.

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