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Mages get half dmg using CP



Hello, there's an annoying thing about CP Pots..

When a mage use them in PVP, theyr dmg decrease to half... exactly on half..


I've checked but i can't find the code of this formula..


Can someone tell me?


Also on another topic, about olympiad refresh time (rank)... from where i can change it!



Thanks in advance

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i think you need to ask to your GM and not to us.. it's a bug of your server..

:D so i need to ask that myself right?

well is a problem from java, i  just posted and hoping that someone know about this.

But that's it.

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well, trance said that this is kinda "retail" thing wich doesn't allow BSS while u using pots on combat. So it may be a good explanation.


I've never said that it's retail. I just said the second part, it's a bug.


By the way, this is a wrong section. You should post it here.

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I've never said that it's retail. I just said the second part, it's a bug.


By the way, this is a wrong section. You should post it here.



Also, dude change the prefix to the colored mode.

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Try to use the macro:


// [drag and drop the soulshots here]

//[your skill here]


while using CP Pots.

Im looking for a java help. Im not a player :D

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Know someone how i can make BSS working even if someone use potions? Cuz i think that may be the cause ...

Dammit... im using acis.


As I said back then, it's about BSS. Well, !skill.isStatic() should be added for BSS check in java, somewhere in L2Character, I can't remember exactly.

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