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Hello there i wanna buy one code , pack is l2jfrozen price 20e


pm for info , i will answer only to skilled and trusted members.


Code style .


Kamaloka instances but adapt it on interlude  ,


teleport to X room spawn  3 waves with monsters and last wave 1 random Monster


players can join only with party


min & max members

able to join every 24h

check if some1 is join on event or olympiad

check their pvp count

check teleport if room have party insdie teleport to other room

counter timer when players teleported start time X minites to kill monsters.

and some other checks



If u know how u fix this code send me your skype.

Please only skilled coders


add skype gevorakospro

sry for offtopic but I MUST express my opinion:

















so no1 can do this ?


ontopic, I can do it, I already have it on my pc, but I will share it to all for just a free hug ;D


add skype gevorakospro

x0aa0xx0a gia s re gevorako developer akoma perimenw na me xwseis katw apo ta amaksia stin aristotelous....

ontopic, I can do it, I already have it on my pc, but I will share it to all for just a free hug ;D

i am waitting to see it shared ;)


i have allready fixed the instances on my pack but for 20 euros.. the price is low dude.. you need a lot of rework in your pack


if i had more money i dotn had problem to give it .. that is your choice .

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