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high five [L2J]L2Aurora


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He is arguying with all the servers,not only yours. :)

Is it not valid to do so? To argue? Do the servers I argue with have more than 10 players on them?


The problem with the ignorance you show Frey, is that you need players. You might not need me specifically, you simply need someone else. The problem of me not liking this server (hypothetical, I only don't like what I see in the last vid) is not just mine, it's yours as well - it's not like I force myself to not like it, I have nothing personal against you. After all you are making this server for other to play in, not just yourself.

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It was a hypothetical example, unrelated to the video. I got tired watching 2 collection of pixels slapping each other like little girls and stopped about 1 minute in.


:dat: ahahaha

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Is it not valid to do so? To argue? Do the servers I argue with have more than 10 players on them?


The problem with the ignorance you show Frey, is that you need players. You might not need me specifically, you simply need someone else. The problem of me not liking this server (hypothetical, I only don't like what I see in the last vid) is not just mine, it's yours as well - it's not like I force myself to not like it, I have nothing personal against you. After all you are making this server for other to play in, not just yourself.

Yea i need players, real players not trolls like you ;)

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You didnt see server and you flame, wait for open beta, try it, and then tell your opinion. Nevermind, sry for my rage anyway.

You posted a video.


I and another person commented on that, particular, specific, aspect of the server, not the whole server. The discussion on the last page to this page is on that particular matter.


I challenged your mindset, you replied with ignorance.


Forcing a player to use his specials and waste them against weak attacks is skill and tactic. Thats hard to do. It require knowing what the enemy can do next, and putting yourself in advantageous position.

If the glad had a way to force the GH in the vid to use ghost walking,so that it would be wasted, that would be interesting. He doesn't. The GH simply clicks the skill, and the glad stops attacking.

How many players you know personally who wouldn't do that, stop attacking I mean? It's common sense.


But you call it tactic.


All that aside, even if we could call it tactic, for the sakes of an argument, how does this tactic change from slow to fast PvP? It doesn't. Whether it takes 20 seconds to 3 mins, if the GH would press the skill, the glad would stop attacking.


My point is that it does not validate your mindset of slow PvP being more skillful.


P.S. Challenging an opinion or arguing is not flaming. I didn't go "LAWL NOOB SERVER".

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Well i will tell you 3 good things of this server and tell me 1 bad.

You see in updates server is helpfull for newbies(i mean newbies in L2 actually)

You can have your own setup w/o others have the same setup with you.(so,the best setup wins)

The pvp is long becouse is balanced!

Guys you forgot the real L2,now you can join in one server with one normall class and one overpower class can beat you 10 hits lawl.that you want?you dont want action in pvp and the most clever to win?the most "Pro" in his class and his setup.you dont want that? sry guys if you dont want that L2Aurora is not for you.

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Guys you forgot the real L2,now you can join in one server with one normall class and one overpower class can beat you 10 hits lawl.that you want?you dont want action in pvp and the most clever to win?the most "Pro" in his class and his setup.you dont want that? sry guys if you dont want that L2Aurora is not for you.


there is about 4 posts explaining why slow PvP is not a measure of "pro". It is not clever.


You contradict yourself. If there can be 10 setups, but 1 is best, people will find out, and use 1 setup, not 10. So having a best setup is not good.


Ignoring actual "length", the Time To Kill is too long.


If you think a-beep-t Hits To death is a measure if PvP is balanced or not, you are bad at this game.  10 hits for most classes is ~20 seconds. I can make tea and sandwhich in that time. There is also difference in range -> have to run - > increases PvP time. There are debuffs, disables, which slow PvP down. There are Barriers, UDs and talismans +potions.


AKA, normal PvP is not fast. THERE ARE SO MANY things that make PvP slow that artificially slowing it down to what is seen in the videos is pointless. The skill cap is decreased because its like slow motion. You have all the time in the world to react. Action has to stop sometime, not someDAY.

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