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high five [L2J]L2Aurora


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Are you scared of trying something new?


its just not about im scared i just gave my opinion, stop judging me. Well i personally like l2, and any other games for me are worse than l2, this custom server too ;p

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And my opinion is longer pvp is for more skilled players. You need to know how to fight, know your skills and when use them. Daggers are no longer Bluff/Backstab classes, same for mages, no longer 2-3 skills for win. Its our chronicle. If you dont like it, your problem :)

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And my opinion is longer pvp is for more skilled players. You need to know how to fight, know your skills and when use them. Daggers are no longer Bluff/Backstab classes, same for mages, no longer 2-3 skills for win. Its our chronicle. If you dont like it, your problem :)

As long as you cant spam pots in PvP, this might be a good idea!


Do you have any "skill-combo bonuses"?

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And my opinion is longer pvp is for more skilled players. You need to know how to fight, know your skills and when use them. Daggers are no longer Bluff/Backstab classes, same for mages, no longer 2-3 skills for win. Its our chronicle. If you dont like it, your problem :)

Longer PvP time forgives mistakes and accounts for randomness in skill success and random damage. It is in no way more skillful. Quite the opposite, you simply spam attack skills in attempt to out DPS your opponent, except for particular moments when you need to use special skills. These are typically assigned to certain time/Hp/situation threshold by the player through experience, which is a measure of "skill", and is transferable to slow or fast PvP.

But slower PvP makes it less frantic and easier to prepare for those times/HP count/Situations = less "skill", more AFK and BOT PvP.



That IS way too slow no matter what argument you use.


Daggers were shadowstep+backstab how many chronicles ago? Mages were 2-3 skills how many updates ago?


Doesn't work anymore. Almost every class has barrier/UD/mitigation skills. The measure of a skilled player is directly attributed to how fast one can react to a dynamically changing PvP.



Using a barrier when you see an animation of a high power attack IS SKILL.

Using barrier to run away from a player cos you ran out of your specials and the PvP is 5 minutes long is NOT skill.

With how long PvP goes on in that video, it is gonna tend towards the last example.

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Using barrier to run away from a player cos you ran out of your specials and the PvP is 5 minutes long is NOT skill.

I run because he use Counterattack/Ghost Walking. Tell me what sense is in attack player for 1, or reflect whole damage. Ahhh and ill tell you truth, that calls tactic ;)

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I run because he use Counterattack/Ghost Walking. Tell me what sense is in attack player for 1, or reflect whole damage. Ahhh and ill tell you truth, that calls tactic ;)

It was a hypothetical example, unrelated to the video. I got tired watching 2 collection of pixels slapping each other like little girls and stopped about 1 minute in.


But props for mentioning something my grandma could do - stop clicking on attack when character A has buff B at time T. It is not skill, it is "*yawn* I got plenty of time left, I will click this skill, and my enemy will stop attacking."  It is also called Common Sense; the opposite of common sense is not unskilled/bad at game/underpowered class/overpowered class. The opposite of common sense is stupid. So, it isn't "calls tactic". It's just a thing everyone would do because doing otherwise is dumb.


You can call it whatever you want, defending your opinion. But whatever is happening in the video is boring. Not because of the collection of skills or content, but because it is very drawn out - it is too long.

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