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high five [L2J]L2Aurora


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They're losing players everytime they go without beta... Who the f*** cares if they're gonna have perfect server with no bugs when there's going to be 20 players online? Just open the beta, everybody understand it's >BETA<, nobody expects to have everything working there. Seriously guys.

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It has beed 5 mounts since you ban me for typing in *purple* color in your noob forum when i told you ur server will suck as heel and you ban me and you still haven't open this noob server? :D Pathetic announcing a server and still haven't open it from 1 year :D

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It has beed 5 -beep-ts since you ban me for typing in *purple* color in your noob forum when i told you ur server will suck as heel and you ban me and you still haven't open this noob server? :D Pathetic announcing a server and still haven't open it from 1 year :D

And why still coment it?

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They're losing players everytime they go without beta... Who the f*** cares if they're gonna have perfect server with no bugs when there's going to be 20 players online? Just open the beta, everybody understand it's >BETA<, nobody expects to have everything working there. Seriously guys.



Beta isn't early access or a demo.



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rofl :D Huskar mega noob :D Im still banned from ur pathetic forum xD This is a total fail and you will never open it trololol.. You can't open it 1 year and you won't open it in the next one or two :D

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