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god L2PlayWith.Me 25x Goddess of Destruction first european midrate on 1st December

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Welcome to L2PlayWith.Me x25 Goddesss Of Destruction.


Hello and Welcome to L2PlayWith.Me!

L2PlayWith.Me is the newest addition to the ever expanding list of private L2 servers. Plenty of servers are launching as we speak, so why should you choose L2PlayWith.Me?

We consider ourselves as a server that tries to cater to the needs of the community. We hope to interact with the player community of our server, and improve our server through player suggestions as well as our own observations.

L2PlayWith.Me offers to you, that is RPG fans, the Lineage HighFive server, totally free. We assure to you that our purpose is neither a competition with others servers in the same category not with official server. Our purpose is to show you a little from this fantasy world.

Come and enjoy this wonderful world with many battles against creatures, fighting for protect one of many Castles from Lineage World. You can do your own Clan, be a leader, be a King in your own Castle, riding a flying Dragon.

Our goal is to provide you with a stable, lagless, enjoyable as well as close-to-retail yet spiced Lineage II experience. The key to our success is first of all our seriousity, our constant updates, great support, as well as awesome and non-seen anywhere else features.



General Info:


Server Version: Goddess Of Destruction - Harmony , l2-scripts.ru source.

BETA Server on: 7 November 15:00 GMT +1

Server start date: 14 November 19:00 GMT +1

Site - http://L2PlayWith.Me/

Forum - http://L2PlayWith.Me/forum/



L2PlayWith.Me x25:



Xp - 25

Sp - 25

Drop Adena - 25

Drop Items - 10

Drop Spoil - 10

Quests Drop - 5

Quests Reward - 1

Raid Boss - 5

Siege Guard - 3

Fish Drop Count - 5

Hellbound Confidence - 10

Clan Rep Score - 2

Manor - 5

Drop Common Items - 5   


Party Bonus rate(from basic server rate - x25):




No Carrier:

Enable No Carrier - on

Min Time – 0 sec

Max Time – 600 sec

Default Time – 60 sec

No carrier - when your game client crash your character will still be online as "NO CARRIER" you will be in party, can receive exp, damage etc.




Offline Trade:

Offline Trade - on

Min Level – 40 level

Trade Name Color - gray

Trade Price – Free

Restore After Restart – on




Oly Start Time - 18 GTM+1

Class Game Min – 8 people

Non Class Game Min - 8 people

Team Game Min – 6 team

Game Max Limit – 70 matches

Game Classes Count Limit – 30 matches

Game No Classes Count Limit – 60 matches

Game Team Count Limit – 10 matches

Olympiad Battles For Reward - 15 matches

Olympiad Points Weekly – 10 points

Olympiad 2 weeks period




L2PlayWith.Me x25:

NG Skill Chance – 25%

NG Glow Chance = 20%

Mid Skill Chance = 40%

Mid Glow Chance = 60%

High Skill Chance = 55%

High Glow Chance = 80%

Top Skill Chance = 75%

Top Glow Chance = 100%

Base Stat Chance = 5%


Enchant (Normal, Crystal and Blessed):

Chance Weapon - 60%

Chance Armor - 60%

Chance Accessory - 60%

Safe Enchant - +3

Safe Enchant FullBody - +4

Max - +16

Armor Over Enchant HP Bonus Limit - +10

Attribute Chance - 50%

Attribute Crystal Chance - 30%




L2PlayWith.me x25:

Maximum Slots For No Dwarf – 120 slot

Maximum Slots For Dwarf – 150 slot

Maximum Slots For Quests – 100 slot

Warehouse Slots For NoDwarf – 150 slot

Warehouse Slots For Dwarf – 150 slot

Maximum Warehouse Slots For Clan – 200 slot

Max Pvt Store Slots Dwarf - 7

Max Pvt Store Slots Other - 5

Max Pvt Manufacture Slots - 25



Hopzone & Topzone Vote Reward – on

.getreward command ingame after you voted.

vote system connects through lameguard so it cannot be cheated.

vote reward list is random ( top rewards got a low chance ) : sc lvl 11-13, giant codex,  rune of exp, ews/eas, bews/beas, revita-pop, bres/bsoe, vitality potions, color name.




Auto Loot - on

Auto Loot Individual (command .cfg)

Auto Loot From Raids - off

Craft Masterwork Chance – 3%

Craft Double Craft Chance – 3%

Allow Shift Click – on

Death Penalty Chance – 10%

Non Owner Item Pickup Delay - 15 sec

Remove Skills On Delevel

Pet Inventory Limit – 12 slot

Item Auction Enabled – first month no elegia or top s84 weaps

Item Auction Announce

Skills Chance Min – 10%

Skills Chance Cap - 90%

Destroy Dropped Item After – 5 minutes

Allow Others Withdraw From Clan Warehouse - on (leader command .clan)

Buff fLimit – 24 slot + 4

Dance & Song Limit – 12 slot

Use Item Broker Item Search - on





L2PlayWith.Me x25:

Allow SubClass Without Quest – on

Nobless – retail like quest

Auto Learn Skills - on

Blue monster spoil - on

Allow Dualbox - on

Full Buff (alt+b)

Global GK

GMshop - up to low S84 grade.



Usefull Commands:

/olympiadstat - show your and others people olympiad stats

.time or .date - show server time and date ingame

.clan - clan leader can allow other clan members receive items from clan warehouse

.password - allow you to change your account password

.repair nickname - When your character stuck (won,t be able to use soe, ressurect etc.) u can log on another character within your account and use command eg. ".repair Mrs.Storm"

.hellbound - information about hellbound (actual level etc.)

.online - acutal online players






.whoami - shows your statistics






Team vs Team every 1 hour.

6 randoms locations waiting for you ( Gludin Town, Talking Island Village, Hellbound Quarry, Emerald Square, Hunters Village, Underground Coliseum ) more locations to be added soon.

5 Apiga reward for the winners with the most points.

Fight will last for 10 minutes in case of draw both teams will recieve 3 apiga.

Kills in a row will give be announced on the screen ( Double Kill, Killing Spree, Rampage, Unstoppable, Dominating, Godlike, Legendary, Arena Master, Best Player)


Town invasion once every day.

To win, you have to kill the RB in order to weaken the vortexes, which are located at the entrance of the Giran.", "Destroying the vortexes, mobs will spawn much less frequently.

After the destruction of all the vortoxes, the main RB will spawn, Killing the main boss, you will be able to destroy the last vortex, which is located in the temple of The Einhasad Temple. If the defense of the town is successful - you will be rewarded, otherwise you wont get anything. Loads of rewards are waiting for you from this event :)




Server Specs:


Intel® Xeon® E3-1275 Quad-Core

incl. Hyper-Threading Technology


                RAM 32 GB DDR3 RAM ECC

                Hard disks 4x 120 GB SSD

                NIC 1 GBit OnBoard

                connected at 100 MBit.

DDos Protected! Yes we got DDos Protection!!!

Latest Lameguard version for the best antibot protection.




This one will sure be a badass GoD server.

Great admin with a lot of experience

Agree with you mate, gona play here.

Good server files, well protected server agaist hacks/bots /DDoS (no lag at all) and a good admin aswell, plus the server files are the  best.


Awaiting you guys for PvP.


So there isn't any gm shop or buffer?

read better the features, it has full scheme buffer, 2 hour buffs, and gm shop up to low S84 grade. vorpal and mid s84 weaps.


read better the features, it has full scheme buffer, 2 hour buffs, and gm shop up to low S84 grade. vorpal and mid s84 weaps.

Oups sry. My bad :D . Sounds rly interesting. I wish gl to your server! :)


to tell the truth i dont believe this server will stay online for more than a month.

u allways do the same: buying the files, set up the server and then dont even log...

eg. l2berseker, l2stress, l2dragoneye (2x), l2cadmus

dont wanna be mean but these r facts.


to tell the truth i dont believe this server will stay online for more than a month.

u allways do the same: buying the files, set up the server and then dont even log...

eg. l2berseker, l2stress, l2dragoneye (2x), l2cadmus

dont wanna be mean but these r facts.

nothing against you, but l2cadmus got nothing to do with the other servers and its still up and running fine, please do not confuse us with other servers, as u can see l2cadmus has a good reputation and still there are ppl playing on it. so do not tell us bullshits that we`ll close in 1 month or bla bla bla.


i like the  <keep calm and show proofs> style so here we r.

y, l2cadmus is still alive and dieing day by day. every1 can confirm this on hopzone by clicking on <vote history> button.

dont forget to check the owner aka bingbang (same as l2dragoneye's).

feel free to log on l2cadmus and check or just visit their forum.


i like the  <keep calm and show proofs> style so here we r.

y, l2cadmus is still alive and dieing day by day. every1 can confirm this on hopzone by clicking on <vote history> button.

dont forget to check the owner aka bingbang (same as l2dragoneye's).

feel free to log on l2cadmus and check or just visit their forum.

dont need any proofs about anything, l2camdus is not dead and will prolly last for a while since it has no hidden donations and server is almost bug free and very well setuped. about owner bingbang i already explained once in previous topics, nothing to hide. still i dont think there is other godddess of destruction midrate where you can play, so its up to you if you wanna give it a try or not :) im not forcing anyone but im pretty sure ppl will try it.


dont need any proofs about anything, l2camdus is not dead and will prolly last for a while since it has no hidden donations and server is almost bug free and very well setuped. about owner bingbang i already explained once in previous topics, nothing to hide. still i dont think there is other godddess of destruction midrate where you can play, so its up to you if you wanna give it a try or not :) im not forcing anyone but im pretty sure ppl will try it.

why did you had then fake online counter on camdus?



k camdus no dead i believe you


maybe you should say is not your sevrer and you just adv it


it's so similar to l2 cadmus...




btw it is goddess, not goddesssss

its yes goddess, its not l2cadmus but its made by almost same staff from cadmus me plus few more ppl.

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