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[GUIDE] ByPass Bake-Ice Step By Step (Works For Interlude) [IG]


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and what i need do to connect on 200x?

thx bro

i get this error:


20:13:32 - Debug build

20:13:32 - Using Proxy: False

20:13:32 - Starting... SOCKS[1999] LOCAL[2106] OOG[2107]

20:15:14 - New local connection[2106]

20:15:14 - Local LS connection->Handle

20:15:19 - Established connection - Remote IP '' Remote Port '2106'

20:15:19 - New SOCKS connection for

20:15:20 - Proxy LS connection->Handle

20:15:34 - Removed a SOCKS:LS connection

20:15:34 - Local listen thread exit

20:15:34 - Remote listen thread exit

20:15:34 - Established connection - Remote IP '' Remote Port '7777'

20:15:34 - New SOCKS connection for

20:15:36 - Proxy kicked~

20:15:36 - Proxy GS connection->Add to queue

20:15:36 - Error! No remote connection is waiting


help plz =S

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Hi guys, mi walker work fine, but i have some artifacts only playing lineage 2 from walker... i try reinstall VGA drivers but bothing... i use stability test for VGA but my vga work great, its only when i play l2 from walker... so i need some help. I can update mi "original" system folder, but mi l2walker sistem folder dont need update?

How can i update mi l2walker folder? (server DN)

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i see this in l2fork window.

23:32:04 - Debug build

23:32:04 - Using Proxy: False

23:32:04 - Starting... SOCKS[1999] LOCAL[2106] OOG[2107]

23:33:35 - New local connection[2106]

23:33:35 - Local LS connection->Handle

23:33:37 - End of Local:LS connection

23:33:37 - New local connection[2106]

23:33:38 - Local GS connection->Add to queue

23:33:38 - Local connection waiting

and wallker window stay on server list  :-\

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Hi guys, mi walker work fine, but i have some artifacts only playing lineage 2 from walker... i try reinstall VGA drivers but bothing... i use stability test for VGA but my vga work great, its only when i play l2 from walker... so i need some help. I can update mi "original" system folder, but mi l2walker sistem folder dont need update?

How can i update mi l2walker folder? (server DN)

use this system folder:


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I'm trying this on L2 Survival. When I try to run the "Walker System Folder" and then run L2Walker it loads, the L2 window pops open for a few seconds and then it just disappears. I double checked each step I did and I did everything word for word. I don't have the time to read through the entire thread but when he means two system folders does that mean having ONE L2 client installed with two system folders or TWO clients with one having Bake Ice and other being clean. I'm guessing the former for now. Also Survival uses both GameGuard.Des and Game_Guard.des, which would I choose?


Sorry I didn't read through the thread first to see if that is the problem but I don't have the time right now. So hopefully someone can reply :)

Using Windows Vista 64 Home Edition. Just in case if you need that info.

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use this system folder:



Im usiong zoooom folder, but this folder will need update?? how can i update this folder? i use full chek but this update only bake ice folder...

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