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interlude L2 Shiver.eu [Started Today!!]

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Im happy to announcement you that our team will run High Rate PvP Server.

We will do all best to make good pvp server.

We will use some custom items and features wich we hope to increase the fun in-game.

We have already one live project working perfect.



L2 Shiver - Server Info



Server Rates

XP Rate: 5000x

SP Rate: 5000x

Adena : 1000x

Rate: 2000x

Spoil Rate: 2x

Drop Rate: 1x

Safe Enchant : +7

Weapon Max Enchant : +30

Armor Max Enchant : +30

Jewels Max Enchant : +30

Normal Scroll : 75%

Blesessed Scroll : 90%




CTF(Capture the flags)

DM(Death Match)

TVT(Team vs Team)

Other Features:

Away system

Banking system

Wedding system

Announce Banned Accounts

Announce Castle Lords

Custom Tittle on Start

Disable Weight Penalty

Nobless Item

Hero Item(24h)

Custom start level 50

Clan Leader Color Title

No leave buffs on die

PvP/Pk Colour system

Legend Aura after 30 pvp kills(no die)

Retail-Like Enchant Skills System

Every Buff / Dance / Song / Chant Lasts 3 Hours

C4 / C5 / Interlude Skills

Interlude Skills 99% Working

All C4 / C5 / Interlude Monsters

All C4 / C5 / Interlude Locations

Maximum number of clans in ally 3

Subclassed allowed 3

Global chat pvp ammount:150 pvps

Starting Adenas 1000000000

Unstuck Interval 10 seconds

Player spawn protection 120

Quake / Killing Spree System

Aio System(has all mastering buffs)

Social Say Actions(lol, hi, haha, yes, no)

Vote Reward System

Disabled dualbox in oly/event

L2 Walker Protection

L2 Net Protection

Show Welcome PM on start


.online Command

.repair Command


Custom Armor: Intact Armor(Balanced Stats)

Custom Weapons: Infinity Weapons(They look like normal weapons)


More information will be add soon .





Bless scrolls will be added on shop or an alternative way to get them easyer.


Also the items price will be a little lowered.



The gameplay is OLD style Lineage ^^ u have nothing to loose. All look simple but the most important is the gameplay feeling.


q0b3qt hm why your nick name is stupid hm ? and don't have mother ? and all forum can spam only server change name and etc .... bla bla in game say all only GO PLAY TETRIS !

my nick is for smart people who can copy.U don't belong in that category.Learn some proper english then reply again.I don't understand what you say.


mhm, this server is new copy of DeathWhisper etc? I remember DW, but I wasn't like it. Why? Because all have "++" items, donators powah, etc... Anyway, Good job for your work! :)

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