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New Maxcheaters.com Theme


Shall Maxcheaters.com use it?  

128 members have voted

  1. 1. Shall Maxcheaters.com use it?

    • Yes
    • No

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I was thinking, how about Maxcheaters maybe gets a new Skin.

So I sat down and started messing around a bit.

I'll be going to show you a preview. Please note I'm still actively editing it here and there, but you will get an idea of it at least.


Here the preview:







Some people suggested me to add a picture background with some kind of gaming BG. I personally tried it and didn't like it.

But this theme isn't for me, it's for the MXC community.

So I wanted to ask you: Do you want some gaming background for it?


Personally I think that having it clean like this is good. Just like the current maxcheaters theme has it done. Safes resources too and the loading time is quicker on top.


If you have any suggestions, please do feel free to post them here. I am open for everything.

This poll is only there to determine if MXC would want such a skin or not.



PS: I will not add a live preview as of now.

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Its cool if you change a bit the colour of the background..Its full black

maybe there can be at the top between the "date bar" and "mxc logo" something custom , like some chars from games etc.

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maybe there can be at the top between the "date bar" and "mxc logo" something custom , like some chars from games etc.


This .

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We do !



If you have any suggestions, please do feel free to post them here. I am open for everything.

This poll is only there to determine if MXC would want such a skin or not.

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