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I've noticed that the guides' section has been dying lately, so I decided to start this event, in order to motivate everyone to share his knowledge on League of Legends with us! The event might become weekly if I notice that people become interested in it.







Genereal Info & Rules



All you have to do is reply with a short guide about a certain champion. When the event ends the judges will decide which one was the best and award the winner!



- Only 1 entry per member is allowed.

- The guide must be yours.

- You are not allowed to c/p a guide you've written in the past.

- You are allowed to edit your guide, but you have to inform us that you did so by replying in this topic

- Commenting on any guide is not allowed.

- English ONLY.








1 LoL award.








Fortuna, Finito, Noble®







Here is an example of a short champion guide just to help you out...






Role: Jungler, support

Summoner Spells: Revive/Teleport when playing as a jungler. Clarity/Teleport when playing as a support

Masteries: 0/0/30 (post a screenshot also)

Runes: Mana regen Marks, Mana regen Seals, Mana regen Glyphs, Mana regen Quintessences

Items: Boots of Mobility + 5x Archangel Staffs when jungling. Boots of Mobility + 5x Manamunes when playing as a support

Skill Order: W>E>Q>R

General tips: When jungling I like to start at the blue buff and then run to the enemy jungle to make sure that the enemy jungler will draw First Blood. After I die, I immediately use revive and teleport to mid so that I can give another kill to the enemy mid laner. In team fights I like to run in first, place a ward, die, use Revive, then use Teleport on the ward I placed and die once more!

When playing as a support I like to buy wards just to jump on them with my E. You shouldn't ward outside of the lane, because this way you'll know when you're about to get ganked. This game is not fun if there are no surprises!













Good Luck!



The winner of our 1st Short Guide Event is Vendetta*V* with his solo top Warwick guide!



Role:Solo Top

Summoner Spells: Flash/Ignite


Runes:Greater Mark of Desolation/Greater Glyph of Warding/ Greater Seal of Resilience/ Greater Quintessence of Swiftness

Items:Sorcerer's Shoes(Ofc depends from enemy)/Frozen Heart/Wit's End/Guardian Angel/ Chalice of Harmony ( depends from enemy)

Skill order:Q>R>W-E

General tips:U need some mana regen to poke  ur emeny without stay oom.When enemy team gank u  run fast into ur tower and use ur ulti  probably u will  kill one of them or both  ,In team fight use ur ulti at ad or ap carry to give  the chance  in ur team to kill him instant



Role:Solo Top

Summoner Spells: Flash/Ignite


Runes:Greater Mark of Desolation/Greater Glyph of Warding/ Greater Seal of Resilience/ Greater Quintessence of Swiftness

Items:Sorcerer's Shoes(Ofc depends from enemy)/Frozen Heart/Wit's End/Guardian Angel/ Chalice of Harmony ( depends from enemy)

Skill order:Q>R>W-E

General tips:U need some mana regen to poke  ur emeny without stay oom.When enemy team gank u  run fast into ur tower and use ur ulti  probably u will  kill one of them or both  ,In team fight use ur ulti at ad or ap carry to give  the chance  in ur team to kill him instant


Ι am not participating , just giving a short guide for Graves, and an example as well :P


Role: The AD CARRY

Summoner spells: Flash + Ignite(most times) or Heal

Masteries: http://i.imgur.com/YIirj.jpg

Runes: Quint and Marks for AD, Armor seals and MR flat Glyphs

Skill order: Max Q first.Ultimate when possible

When playing with a support like Leona/Taric, level mostly W with one level E. Else, the opposite


General tips:

You are the stronger. You can win most trades, cause of your passive

Utilise last hitting and trading with enemy champion

Use Q and then E to avoid damage trades

Play with smartcast, so you can burst very quickly







Lee Sin Jungle :)


Role: Jungler

Summoner spells:Exhaust.pngpost-67977-1321383789.png


Runes:Greater Mark of Strength Pick this simply, because it gives much more damage early 9Greater Seal of Resilience This will help you lane and get those minion kills, also helps later on, at late game.

game 9  Greater Glyph of Shielding Same as above. Will give you sustain, especially against team with a lots of AP carries and it helps against those minions also 9 Greater Quintessence of Strength This will give you a lot of damage in early game along 3

Skill order:lee-sin-sonic-wave-resonating-strike.pnglee-sin-dragons-rage.pnglee-sin-sonic-wave-resonating-strike.pnglee-sin-safeguard-iron-will.pnglee-sin-tempest-cripple.png




General Pros -Cons: Pros and Cons ......for me ...i it's all me  :)


+ Awesome Jungler & Counter-Jungler

+ Good sustain

+ Good overall damage

+ Uses Energy, so no mana problems

+ Awesome in early game


- Kinda squishy

- Hard to hit with abilities

- Not that good late-game

- Silence destroys him

- Hes blind

Tips:1) He deals just as much dmg as any other jungler if not more. I'd say go for trin force too and negate your warmogs and build resistences. ie AP heavy, wits end/early mercs etc etc. AD heavy early atmogs/chain vest etc.

You use your abilities in such a way that you should be always proccing trin force on all skills.


2) Abuse your mobility. Q -> E (shield) Q -> make use of flurry (passive) -> W (make use of passive) W again, E to minions. Great harrass.


3) for securing a kill obviously after W/W breeze past enemy and R the enemy back to your team mate to secure the kill.



And this Is My Match History ~> iw0hzk.jpg

Gredits all :ME !





Summoner Spells:16521d.png








Skill order: zEgyW.png>hhN2h.png>UGvg4.png>lPqUN.png


Items: ZNCfX.gif,eYRCd.png,beIiX.gif,u8oOP.gif,ELpuq.gif,mEigl.gif






  • True Damage
  • Ultimate Makes Him Immune to CC
  • Fast Jungle Clear Speed
  • Extremely Tanky
  • Amazing Passive




  • Can Be Kited
  • Fail Ganks If You Miss Your Q
  • Requires a 'plan ahead' use of skillshot when chasing

General Tips

  • Smite React on spell vamp so when your W is active smite gives you life back. use it in the jungle!
  • Your E does true damage. Use it to hit those tanks with alot resistance. since it will hurt much more than anything else will.
  • If someone chase you then run to a brush and in the brush change diretion


im dying to see a guide for a champ that aint popular.


(the staffers who played with me tonight know who i mean)

Oh you want a Sejuani guide from Fortuna? :D

im dying to see a guide for a champ that aint popular.


(the staffers who played with me tonight know who i mean)


Go for teemo






Summoner Spells: heal (obviously) , revive (as a tank you will die a lot)


Masteries: 0-30-0 , you are a tank you need defensive masteries



Runes: generally i play Armor Mark(for tankiness) or MR Mark(for tankiness) , Armor Seal(for tankiness), MR (glyph for tankiness), 3HP quint(for tankiness)



Skill order: >>> Always R>W>E>Q (obvi R and W give you health so you are more tanky, then go for E since you need hard CC, then Q for intiate)


Items: Always start with a Ruby Crystal(475gold) it will give you HP and that will make you tanky for lane phase, and capable of owning your enemy, then farm untill you have enough gold for you first Warmorgs(warmorgs will make you more tanky and a big threat for enemies),after that start farming for 3 more warmorgs

With those  4 warmorgs you will be tanky and pwn everyone and never die, always kill.

After 4 warmorgs buying level 1 boots is a goot choice, but you can always buy an Atmas impaler instead , since with that item you will be more tanky



you build should look like this



General tips: more tank more better

as tank you never die you always kill


PRO TIP: Enemies will probably focus you in the teamfights instead of your AP/AD carry, because you will be tanky and it will be hard for them to kill you last, when an ashe with 2000hp will be easy to be killed last. So try to get in teamfights after your carries get focused , and you get all kills







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