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Only if you will be the man with the rings xD ... and of dont take a more beautiful girl than mine (Reason: dont eclipse my bride).

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Its a romanian word:


"Idealu' meu in viata e femeia cu mustata"




"My purpose in life it's the woman with moustache"


:happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever:


never heard of it

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coding archid C4 with a 6pack heineken...thats all i need! :D

I spoke with tryskell about this c4 project which is kinda piece of cake since you got all you need in other bigger chronicles fixed and not so many things left to fix ( siegable c.halls and that's it )

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I spoke with tryskell about this c4 project which is kinda piece of cake since you got all you need in other bigger chronicles fixed and not so many things left to fix ( siegable c.halls and that's it )


with tryskell yeah sure the guy copied over things from other chronicles and called it a day also screwed up the packs usability big time...


Thats the point of doing this c4 pack, 1st of all we have fun working on a chronicle we all love till the day we die and 2nd of all we dont copy anything we change things as we see fit and we code from scratch we dont go to the l2forum and c/p a freya skill engine like tryskeel did just to get rid of issues we make our own :)

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crappy blabla

Don't insult my work.


PS : if you stopped aCis at "skill engine", then you should stfu a little and read more about the subject.

PS2 : I coded stuff (cf, Sailren, castles gates system).

PS3 : what contributions did you made for L2J ? Time to make an auto-inspection of your own uselessness, no ?


I won't even comment the "we all love till the day we die", which is plain ridiculous. You should stop drugs.


I can't wait to see how *original* your C4 pack will be, and how great your new system will be.


Less blabla and more action. I know you like to bark, but that's too much.

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