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I'd like to start playing lol.

I played for like 4-5 days. Didn't liked it much back then, cuz it wasn't what I expected.


Where do most people play? I know there are many servers.

I'm asking opinions.


Thanks in advance

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so much greeks,polish and russians in east. play west 8)


I care about the skill of the people.

I don't mind of their ethnicity, till the start saying ''ELA RE MALAKA'', ''CYKA'' or "KURWA'' cuz of rage.


I wanna play with skilled people. Cuz I'm a HS dota player.


Anyways, thanks for your replies. Just downloaded/installed the shit.





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I care about the skill of the people.

I don't mind of their ethnicity, till the start saying ''ELA RE -beep-A'', ''CYKA'' or "KURWA'' cuz of rage.


I wanna play with skilled people. Cuz I'm a HS dota player.


Anyways, thanks for your replies. Just downloaded/installed the shit.





west nations have more skills than east ^^
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west nations have more skills than east ^^

definitely ppl at west are more skilled

How can you be so sure? Give me an explanation because i was thinking for a move on west

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I care about the skill of the people.

I don't mind of their ethnicity, till the start saying ''ELA RE -beep-A'', ''CYKA'' or "KURWA'' cuz of rage.


I wanna play with skilled people. Cuz I'm a HS dota player.


Anyways, thanks for your replies. Just downloaded/installed the shit.






It's more better than Dota!! and i am new! i am playing in EU Nordic and  East

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eu west have more skilled players ( i can tell that from my own expirience i have played for alot of time on both servers )

but there is a negative thing on west they are many trollers.


also for more skilled team mates and enemies have a meter your win ratio for example if you got 100+ wins than your lose you play with good players

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