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Ezreal The Prodigal Explorer


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Ezreal was born with the gift of magic flowing through his veins. Ezreal, however, was also born with a much stronger sense of wanderlust. Put into school to become a skilled techmaturgist, Ezreal quickly became bored with magical studies. By the time the boy genius was eight years old, he had fully mapped out the underground tunnels of Piltover. The quality of his work was so great that the government of Piltover purchased his maps and salaried his services as Piltover's Grandmaster Explorer. This sealed the deal on Ezreal's path in life - he would eschew the arcane arts in favor of archaeology. Since then, countless of Ezreal's adventures have been written about as romanticized stories.One of Ezreal's latest adventures, however, has brought him face-to-face with his other legacy - his latent magical power. While exploring the pyramids of Shurima Desert, Ezreal uncovered an amulet of incredible power. Aside from the sheer size of the amulet (it was made for a being easily twice Ezreal's size), it allows the wielder to control and shape magical energy - provided a source of magic is in the vicinity. This allowed Ezreal to tap into his natural talent for magic without having to put any serious effort into it - a big win for the Prodigal Explorer. The drawback is that for some unknown reason, the amulet is attuned with summoning magic. Without warning, Ezreal may find himself acting as a champion for, as he puts it, ''a summoner hell-bent on resolving some irrelevant world-shattering League conflict.'' Still, Ezreal feels being summoned into a Field of Justice on occasion is a small price to pay.



''There's little time to study musty tomes when you're busy crawling around where the musty tomes originally came from.'' Such is Ezreal's credo.



Information About Ezreal:


Ezreal is a strong top player, his range is extremely high. Ezreal can be run out of the enemy too easy because of his thirt skill “Arcane Shift” in which teleport Ezreal and run. In general, ezreal is not a easy champion all his skill it has the possibility of failure. Its kinda difficult player so be carefull with the [W] and [Q]. There is some strategies with Ezreal who is the best in game like [Q] + [W] all the time like a spam and when enemy has low life you do the ulti who has a big range. That’s all about Ezreal I hope you like my guide about him.



Level Up:


Level 1....: Mystic Shot [Q]

Level 2....: Arcane Shift [E]

Level 3....: Mystic Shot [Q]

Level 4....: Essence Flux [W]

Level 5....: Mystic Shot [Q]

Level 6....: Trueshot Barrage [R]

Level 7....: Mystic Shot [Q]

Level 8....: Arcane Shift [E]

Level 9....: Mystic Shot [Q]

Level 10...: Arcane Shift [E]

Level 11...: Trueshot Barrage [R]

Level 12...: Arcane Shift [E]

Level 13...: Arcane Shift [E]

Level 14...: Essence Flux [W]

Level 15...: Essence Flux [W]

Level 16...: Trueshot Barrage [R]

Level 17...: Essence Flux [W]

Level 18...: Essence Flux [W]





Rising Spell Force: (Innate): Hitting a target with any of Ezreal's abilities increases his attack speed by 10% for 6 seconds, this effect stacks up to 5 times. (Passive)

Mystic Shot: (Active): Ezreal fires a bolt of energy in a line that will deal physical damage and apply on-hit effects to the first enemy it hits. If it strikes an enemy unit, all of Ezreal's cooldowns will be reduced.

Essence Flux: (Active): Ezreal fires a wave of energy in a line. Any enemy champions it passes through are dealt magic damage and have their attack speed slowed for 5 seconds.

Arcane Shift: (Active): Ezreal instantly teleports to a nearby target location and fires a homing arrow at the nearest enemy unit, dealing magic damage to it.

Trueshot Barrage: (Active): Ezreal charges for 1 second to fire a powerful broad energy missile that will travel in a line by the whole map and will deal magic damage to each enemy unit they pass through.























In Ezreal we will begin with bootsofspeed.jpg and some healthpotions.jpg Then we upgrade them into xoegsm.jpg Second, we go for 2jfx3t.jpg Afterthat, we go for 205s41k.jpg  Now, we go for extra armor penetration 2vba3rr.jpg Next, I get some lifesteal & Damage by 169jnzn.jpg With Bloodthister you can stuck Attack Damage and Lifesteal. We increase a little bit the critical & Attack Damage with infinityj.jpg Finally, we go for trinityforce.jpg



AD Build:  xoegsm.jpg205s41k.jpg2vba3rr.jpg9r3m7a.jpginfinityq.jpgtrinityforce.jpg




Other Informaion About Skills:


Rising Spell Force: The Passive of Ezreal its really interesting because it increases Attack Speed. His passive is really good with Ionic Spark.


Mystic Shot: That Skill can be failed a lot of times because its difficulty for a non-smart cast player to make success in hit. Its really annoying to miss kills from one skill. One game who I played happened this I missed and I miss a free kill.


Essence Flux: Essence is too a difficult hit to success in a TeTatet with enemy. Its more comfort skill than Mystic Shot but it has the possibility of fail. Essence Flux doesn’t work in creeps remember that its works only in enemies. It gives magical damage to the enemy.


Arcane Shift: About Arcane Shift you have no right to fail here. Arcane Shift its very useful for ganks it help a  lot to run out of the enemies. It gives magical damage to the enemy when it does. In general, I use it to go near to the enemy and hit him with basic attacks.


Trueshot Barrage: That skill has a extremely range and gives magical + physical damage. Its very useful when the enemy run you can use it to get free kill. Especially when a enemy does B to the source you can use it for free kills. Also, when it does he reveal his bow :)




In general ezreal is a spammer character when he spam a lot he can easily got a kill. He has a real big range so that is a positive avantage. Ezreal is not a easy champion for non-smart cast players Q+W its very easy to fail. You must be sure before you do anything with these skills. So, you must careful with these skills and remember the third skill E its using only for run out of the enemies or near to the enemy if you had a change to rid the enemy. Also, Ezreal can be play well at top & mid. Otherwise, ezreal is a small character who is easy to make ganks in any lane because of his size. All his skill isn't easy for a newbie so be careful with that. One other thing you can do for your own good is the farm. Farm ? What is Farm? Farm it means to killing creeps and take golds from the creeps, you must learn how to last hit the creeps. One tactic by me is when the crep it has low life like 10-20 hit it and take the golds. Also, if there is not jungler and not much creeps in your lane you can go to jungle a little bit for more creeps and golds. Especially, Blue buff and red it gives a nice gold. So what's the point of that? You can take 90-100 creeps in some mins and you can build your character more faster than the enemy.




Other Information About Items:


So, I start with boots because I need some speed in the beginning for ganks and etc + some health potions to use it when I got attack from the enemy. All usually we use dorian blade for the beginning no that is mistake cant be aggressive from the first beginning. Next, when I got berseker boots for attack speed and etc I can buy a dorian blade for more damage in this time yes but not in the beginning. Next, Wriggle Lantern that item gives lifesteal and some damage. Also, is very useful for the team because you can put sight ward from that item in map to see the enemies it has a cooldown but its really useful for team. If there is not a supporter in team you can easily use it. Next, we go for more penetration (Armor Penetration) with Last Whisper it gives 40% Armor Penetration and some Physical damage as a stats. In my opinion, the most importand thing is the Armor Penetration because decreases the enemy armor. Between Last Whisper and Black Leaver I suggest 100% Last Whisper guys because Last Whisper it decreases the enemy armor for example: From 420 to 100 and Black Leaver From 420 to 380. That is a big difference. Next,  we go for Bloodthirster for lifesteal and damage which is importand for an ad carry like ezreal. Next, we go for Infinity for extra Attack Damage and Critical Attack. Finally , Trinity for a ton of statistics which is important for ez I think so. Every game I buy it. That’s all about Ezreal I hope you will find that guide useful. About items there are many ways to make a good build that's my build so I suggest it to you. You can change the last whisper for example to more damage like more bloodthister or what ever you want but the basis is Physical Attack Items don't forget it. From the other side I watched some guys to play ezreal AP ye ok but ezreal is not a hybrid like Master-Yi. He follows only some builds who can play well. If you want to test ezreal in AP don't play normal game, play custom.



Other Information About Runes:


I use these runes because in the first level you gonna need some armor & physical attack. You will see mana regen why? Because Ezreal is a spammer character I already said that so he need fast regen which is important for spamming to the enemy. Always, and some Armor Penetration for many reasons. We already explain why so much armor penetration. In runes too, there are too many ways for runes I used these runes because is my opinion you can change everything for example the armor penetration with attack speed or something. But you must see the basics before you go your own runes , build and all these kind of stuff.

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yes lol


I am just showing how to play ezreal if anyone have a different opinion, fine. Logically, that is insane you will spent 3800 gold for one item on the first levels? What's the point of Trinity in the beginning? more movement speed? :/

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I am just showing how to play ezreal if anyone have a different opinion, fine. Logically, that is insane you will spent 3800 gold for one item on the first levels? What's the point of Trinity in the beginning? more movement speed? :/

if you dont know tf is best item for ez

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