ALEX2008GR Posted March 29, 2008 Posted March 29, 2008 · Drag Spiritshots and Soulshots to the shortcut window and right-click their icons to enable auto-use. · The Grand Olympiad runs daily from 8:00 PM CST to 12:00 AM CST (8:00 PM GMT+1 to 12:00 AM GMT+1 on the Teon and Franz servers). · If you'd like to run 2 accounts from one computer (at a PC cafe, for instance), make sure one is a fixed amount account. · One game day comprises 4 hours of real world time. In every game day, 3 hours are allocated for daylight and 1 hour for nighttime. Use the "/time" command to check the current game time. · You can change the camera perspective by using the Page Up and Page Down keys. · You can change chat windows by using the Alt + Page Up and Alt + Page Down keys. · Regular game maintenance is performed every Tuesday from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM CST (5:00 PM GMT+1 to 7:00 PM GMT+1). · Private warehouse inventory quantity includes arriving freight cargo as well as the number of items already in storage. · To reset windows to their default location, select Option > Game Tab > Initialize button . · Invite or delete friends in the game with the "/friendinvite" and "/frienddel" commands. View and manage your friend list using "/friendlist". · Characters from the same account may not share a warehouse. Items can be moved from one to the other by asking a warehouse freightman about cargo transportation. · You can identify the quest type by the color of the exclamation point displayed above an NPC's head. Ordinary quests are orange, while special quests are blue. · Up to 100 items (120 for Dwarves) can be stored in a character's private warehouse (including a cargo warehouse). · Click the lock in lower corner of the shortcut window to lock the icons displayed in the shortcut window. · NPCs from the Adventure Guild in each village can provide useful information about quests and raids. · Use the "/block (name)" command to prevent unwanted private messages from specified players. · If the fee for an auction-type clan hall is not paid, a payment due message will be displayed. If payment is not made within 7 days, the clan hall ownership will be automatically revoked. · Only castle lords and clan hall owners of Town of Aden clan halls, the Fortress of the Dead, and the Devastated Castle can ride Wyverns. · To obtain a new item by summoning or clicking on it, your personal inventory weight gauge must be lower than 80%, and you must have more than 10 open slots. · The competition and seal validation period for Seven Signs begins every Monday at 6:00 PM CST. Players can join Seven Signs by meeting with a village priest during the competition period. · If a pet dies, its body will disappear from the server after 20minutes. · The "Repent Your Sins" quest cannot be shared between main class and sub-class. If you transfer your class before completing the quest, it is automatically terminated. · Allow approximately 7 days to completely delete a character from your account. · The fishing system is divided into night fishing and general fishing. Night fishing is available from 12:00 AM - 6:00 AM (game time). Luminous Bait can only be used for night fishing. · To change the screen to windowed mode, press Alt + Enter. Press it again to return to fullscreen mode. · View Grand Olympiad scores and your individual Olympiad points by using the "/olympiadstat" command. · Use the "/clanpenalty" command to view any current penalties for dismissing clan members or dissolving a clan. · Use the bulletin board "bookmark" function to add a page to your "favorites" section. · Enter and save messages using the bulletin board "memo" function. · Use the bulletin board "mail" function to send a message to players not currently logged in. · Use the "friends" bulletin board function to edit your friends list or send a message to someone registered as a friend. · When choosing "Screenshot Quality" in the game options, select bitmap to save as a bmp file in the Lineage II system folder. Select high/middle/low to save as a jpg file. · The target window will display characteristics and other information for a monster, and clan and rank information for players. · With the macro function, use "%target" to automatically enter the target's name and "%party1-8" to assign each party member a corresponding number. · Skills categorized in the skill window as "active skills" are affected by Atk. Spd. "Magic skills" are affected by Casting Spd. · During a quest, press the Target Loc. button on the map to view the quest target's location. · Head accessory items are created with recipes and items obtained by fishing. · Use the Prize-Winning Fishing Lure to increase your chances of catching a big fish and earning bonuses. · Skills obtained through Proof of Catching a Fish cannot be shared between main and sub-class. · After entering a request to dissolve a clan, players must wait 7 days before the clan is dissolved. · You may only declare a Clan War against a Level 3 or higher clan with 15 or more members. · Search for items in a village using the "findprivatestore" button or "/findprivatestore" command. · If you attempt to log in within 10 minutes following a loss of connection when raiding boss monsters Zaken, Baium or Antharas, you will be forcefully transported to a nearby village. · When using the command channel while raiding Baium, Antharas or Valakas, a 5 minute looting priority privilege will be given to the command channel party. · You can tame monsters while hunting in the Wild Beast Pastureland and use them to help you heal, recharge and buff. · When naming characters, you may use Korean consonants or Chinese characters. · You can move multiple quantities of the same item by dragging them with the mouse cursor while pressing the Alt key. · To join the Dawn side during the Seven Signs competition, clans that own a castle and alliance clans must withdraw before 6:00 PM CST on Monday. · D and C grade weapon items can be upgraded and exchanged by the Blacksmith of Mammon. · You can improve resurrection by increasing your WIT level, improving Exp restoration by up to 20%. · Stun resistance can improve CON level, while abnormal magic resistance can increase MEN level. · You may add a symbol with ordinary dyes following your 1st class transfer, and high quality dyes after your 2nd class transfer. · To reduce game lag when entering a town, press Alt + P to switch to minimum frame mode. · When in a party, you will not receive the party bonus exp. if there is more than a 20 level difference between party members. · You can acquire grade 11 and 12 soul crystals by raiding Baium, Zaken, Lilith and Anakim, and grade 13 crystals by raiding Antharas, Valakas and Scarlet van Halisha. · Members of a clan that owns a castle (or their alliance clan that owns a castle) may join the Revolutionaries of Dusk. · If you fish in one spot for too long, your chances of catching a fish may be reduced. · To sell a group of items at once, drag them to the sell/purchase list and check "Package Sale" when establishing a private store. · You cannot perform a quest normally if your personal inventory weight or amount exceeds 80%. Try lowering it before talking to an NPC again. · Skills obtained through clan membership cannot be used during the Grand Olympiad. · Press Numlock to enable auto-run. Your character will begin moving in the direction you are facing. · If a friend has been blocked by mistake, use the "/unblock" command to resume chatting. · If you want privacy, use the "/allblock" command to block all whispers. The "/allunblock" command will restore your previous status. · You can increase a maximum of 5 stats through use of a symbol, but there is no limit on stat reductions. · Use the "/target" command to find characters and NPCs. If an NPC name contains a space, you should include it in your search. · Both the Lords of Dawn and the Revolutionaries of Dusk can gain Clan Reputation points during the Festival of Darkness. · When new players create a character and start the game, they can obtain "Newbie Travel Tokens" by completing a tutorial quest. Get started with the "Newbie Guide". · Double-click a recipe to register it in your recipe book. Dwarf characters can make items using the "Dwarven Craft" skill in the skill window. · Restarting is unavailable in the Lair of Valakas. If you attempt to restart there, you will be moved to the nearest village. · Weapons can be safely enchanted to +3. All enchantment attempts above +3 have a 1 in 3 chance of failure. · If an enchant item attempt fails, a certain number of crystals will be refunded to the player. The remainder is worth roughly half the basic value of the item (store purchase price). · If you use Overhit skills to inflict fatal damage to monsters, you can acquire additional experience. · A clan symbol should be saved as a 16 x 12 pixel, 256-color BMP file in the Lineage II system folder. Use Edit Crest in the Clan window to add it. · Allliance symbols should be saved as 8 x 12 pixel, 256-color BMP files in the Lineage II system folder. · Please promote a fun, healthy game environment by refraining from offensive language. Remember, behind every character is a real person. · If you suspect any player of using third-party programs, please report the character name to a GM. · Before making item transactions, please confirm the character's name, clan name, item name, and price to prevent inadvertent damage or loss. · Playing online for extended periods can damage your health. Treat the game like a game and make sure to get plenty of rest. · Use the petition system to request online help from a GM between 1:00 - 5:00 PM. · When using private stores or the personal crafting system, please confirm the products being sold and the purchase price to prevent inadvertent damage or loss. · If you are locked in place and unable to move, use the "/unstuck" command to move to an adjacent spot. If that doesn't resolve the problem, please report it to a GM. · Be sure to periodically change your password to preserve account security. · If unwanted connection termination occurs during a game, please use a 1:1 inquiry to relay the error message to an administrator. That will help ensure a speedy and accurate resolution. · Inquire about account payment and other account-related issues by using the homepage 1:1 inquiry, or contact the customer center at 1566-6600. · If the message "The frozen condition has started" pops up and you cannot move, use the ESC key to release the target or select another target and move freely. · Transportation to a village from the Dimensional Rift and Monster Race Track will not be available if your weight gauge and number of inventory items exceeds 80%. · If too many items are dropped, characters around you may react more slowly than normal. Please periodically pick up dropped items when possible. · The fastest route to the Dimensional Rift is to transport to the Festival of Darkness through the priest of Seven Signs, and on to t · he Dimensional Rift via the manager of the Festival of Darkness. · When paying for the "personal fixed amount," the last day of the valid period is calculated as hours to use. You will be notified of the time remaining whenever you connect to the game server. · Using another player's account can cause damage and is a violation of the Lineage II User Agreement. · After reporting account theft, please fax a copy of the resident registration to 02)2186-3400 within 7 days. Be sure to include the account, name, and server. · Quests are also available to entire parties. Provided you remain within a certain distance from your party members, you can acquire quest items even if you didn't hunt for them directly. · Account theft mainly occurs in exposed places such as PC cafes or from sharing accounts. Please make security a priority. · When dissolving a clan or alliance, the clan leader's experience will be penalized the equivalent of one death. Be sure to factor that into your decision. · You can use the minimap to confirm the drop location of the Demonic Sword Zariche or the location of the player possessing it in real-time. To track the sword's movements, click on the track button from the minimap. · Click the Expand button on the shortcut bar to expand the bar up to 3 tiers, and see up to 36 shortcuts simultaneously. · The Adventurer Guide Book, previously only available for purchase, is now linked to the map. Access the guide by clicking the · Parties can recruit additional members from the Partymatching Waiting List. Party Leaders and Members can use this list to find players and send party invites. · In a hunting ground designed for groups, herbs will not be dropped. · In order to enter the Pagan Temple, you must complete the one of the following quests: · In the Forest of the Dead, the monsters differ during the day and night. · If a party of six or more players engage in combat within the walls of The Pagan Temple, some of them may be teleported to another place randomly and without warning. · It is possible to enter the Ice Queen's Castle without completing the related quest by obtaining 10 · When you enter a Seven Signs Zone, your compass will be marked "Seven Signs Zone." Although a character's level may increase while in this region, HP and MP will not regenerate. The term · When the Demon Sword Zariche is dropped in the world or when the possessor of the Demon Sword Zariche is connected to the server, cicking the track button on the minimap will confirm the location of the cursed weapon. · A clan leader may create a clan academy through NPCs (High Priests, Grand Masters, High Prefects, etc.) who are in charge of clan-related activities. · When a clan academy member completes their second class transfer, the member will receive a commemorative item. This commemorative item will be received at the same time that the second class transfer is completed. · Since your academy ranking is given when you join the clan academy, this ranking cannot be altered until you drop out or graduate. An academy ranking gives you the privilege to search warehouses and to enter/exit/use the clan hall or castle. · When you graduate from a clan academy, you are automatically withdrawn from the academy. Then, as a graduate of the clan's academy, you can rejoin the clan without incurring any penalties. · In the Clan interface Window, sponsored academy members are displayed in yellow and all others in white. · A clan member with master management priveleges may select a clan member to be a sponsor for another academy member. There can only be one sponsor for each academy member. · Alert messages are displayed for academy members and their sponsors when logging in and out so that they can know each others' log-in status. · Academy members may acquire a D-grade armor sets through unified quests with both academy and regular clan members. · If you withdraw from an academy after acquiring the special D-grade armor set, the equipment will not be removed from your possession automatically. But once you take it off at that point, you will be unable to equip it again. · When your clan reaches level 6, you will be able to create a Royal Guard. An administrator must be appointed before the creation of a Royal Guard. Royal Guards may have up to 20 members. · When your clan reaches level 7, you will be able to create an Order of Knights. An administrator must be appointed before the creation of the Order. One Order of Knights may be created for every Royal Guard. Up to two Orders of Knights may be created, and each Order may have up to 10 members. · A Unit Administrator can be reappointed (changed) through an NPC in charge of clan-related activities. The Clan Interface will show "No Leader" when the position has not been filled. · When you join a Royal Guard or Order of Knights, you continue to participate in clan wars and siege wars normally. · A "clan skill" is a skill that applies to all clan members permanently unless the clan's reputation score is 0 or below. · When your character attacks another player, even if the player is in a purple state, your name turns purple for a short while. · CP (Combat Will Point: Gauge) The gauge is used to measure your strength in PVP. When fighting another player or player · Soulshot/Spiritshot have the following grades: No-grade, D-grade, C-grade, B-grade, or A-grade. Only weapons with the same grade level may be used with them. No-grade Soulshots and no-grade spiritshots can be bought at stores or crafted with the right ingredients and recipe. · A clan leader may click on the "Edit Affiliation" button in a clan member · When two sides declare a state of war, your PK count and karma are not increased when killing an opposing clan member. Debuffs also work against the opposing clan. · When a player who is deemed a hero acquires a cursed weapon, he may still continue to use his heroic skills. · Select players in the Partymatching Waiting List and invite them to party by clicking the "Rm. Invite" button. A new Party Room will be created, and the selected player will be sent a party invite. · A character has a chance of suffering death penalties when killed. Depending on grade, a character may be healed by a Recovery scroll, or a Black Judge NPC. · A summoner may summon a party member as long as they are holding a "Summoning Crystal." However, if they are located or battling in the Olympiad Stadium, or if they are dead, they cannot be summoned. · Characters below level 25 receive beginner · Be aware that weapon upgrade scrolls obtained from the Blacksmith of Mammon can be enchanted, but a regular upgrade scroll cannot. · During the Seven Signs Competition and seal validation period, the monsters in the Seven Signs dungeon disappear during the active cycle beginning on Mondays and respawned at set times thereafter. · A siege-type clan hall battle can last 2 weeks. You may register for it through a messenger NPC who is located outside of the clan hall. · Open the map using ALT+M and click the "World Info." button to access information on quests, hunting grounds, and raids. · For additional details regarding game commands, press ALT+X and visit the help section. · You can check the progress of your current quests through the Quest Window (ALT+U). · Be careful and always verify prices and items in private shop packaged deals. · Soul Crystal, Levels 7-10, are available at the Giran Village Luxury Shop. · Good News! Unless you're a chaotic character (marked with a red name), you will no longer drop items when you die. · Gone are the days of not being unable to replace party members due to long distances! Use your summoner's powers! · Be aware that if you attack an allied monster while performing an alliance quest for the Ketra Orcs or Varka Silenos, your Mark of Alliance will disappear and the alliance will end. · In the Olympiad, a non-class specific match will only occur when there are more than 9 competitors. A class specific match will begin as before when there are more than 5 competitors. · On Saturdays and Sundays from 8 PM to 12 AM, gatekeeper teleport fees decrease by 50%. Credits to T100
ALEX2008GR Posted March 29, 2008 Author Posted March 29, 2008 · As a noblesse, it is possible to change your nickname, even if you are not a member of a clan, by using the clan action, "My Nickname. · You cannot withdraw from a clan war while there are clan members engaged in battle. · You may not participate in the Olympiad under the following conditions: You possess the Demon Sword Zariche, you are in a sub-class, or you are dead. · A basic New Player Guide and other useful information may be found on the Lineage 2 homepage (Lineage II : The Chaotic Chronicle). · SP and EXP are consumed when using a skill enchant scroll regardless of success. You only need the Secret Book of Giants when first attempting enchantment. · If you use a Lucky Charm during a battle a raid boss you will not suffer from the penalties of death. · If you use a Charm of Courage during a seige war you will not suffer from the penalties of death. · You may exchange a B-grade weapon for a B-grade two-handed weapon with the Blacksmith of Mammon. You may only exchange for a two-handed weapons and the weapon types must match. · After applying to become a clan lord, a character must wait until the completion of a regular maintenance cycle before the change can take place. · In the manor system, the planting success of a budding seed is lower when compared with an ordinary seed. · Stats improved by Henna can be increased up to +5 for each ability, and decreased without limit. · For prepaid reservations, any remaining balance from previous reservations can be seen, and the prepaid reservation fee is applied once the previous reservation balance has expired. · Record your favorite L2 moments by pressing ALT+C and clicking on the · The clan reputation score is only acquired for clans with level 5 or above. Thus, for clans with level 4 or below, even if they succeed in attacking a castle and becoming master of the castle, a clan reputation score will not be acquired. · Select "Enter Chat" under Game Options to make chatting possible only after pressing the Enter key. With this option enabled, you can navigate using the keyboard arrows or W, A, S, D keys. · You cannot enter into a duel while in a Peaceful Zone, a Restart Prohibited Zone, or during a Siege War. · You cannot accept or request a party duel if even one party member fails to meet the necessary requirements. · If you are currently engaged in battle or in a Kao state, you cannot request or accept a duel. · During a one-on-one duel or a party duel, you do not die even if you are defeated, and your buff does not disappear. · If you select "Decline Duels" among the game options, you will not receive any duel requests. · A one-on-one duel lasts for 2 minutes, and a party duel lasts for 5 minutes. If victory is not determined within that time, the duel ends in a tie. · You can request a duel by using the "/duel" command. You can end a one-on-one duel early by using the "/withdraw" command. · If you forcefully attack another character that is not your duel opponent, you will turn purple, and the duel will end. · A character that enters a duel-prohibited zone during a duel will be treated as if defeated, and the duel will end. · If you are participating in a siege or the Olympiad games, you cannot request a duel, nor can you accept a duel request. · If a party requests or accepts a party duel, it will automatically leave the Command Channel. · If you request or accept a party duel while participating in party matching, you will be removed from the party matching list. · A pet that is killed during a duel will recover its Exp and be revived, but a servitor will remain dead. · You cannot participate in a duel while you are in your Private Store or while crafting. · All in-game GM character names have the following formats: "=GM=Name" or "=Name=". Please petition if someone claims to represent NCsoft, but does not have these symbols in their name. · Deliberately attempting to interfere with sieges by dropping excessive items on the ground is a punishable offense. · Stores that contribute to blocking hallways, arches or passages in peace zones are subject to relocation by GMs. · The use of third-party software to automate gameplay (including chat and private store) is a bannable offense. · The purchase or sale of in-game assets for real world currency is a violation of the User Agreement and a punishable offense. Credist to T100
Frank Posted March 29, 2008 Posted March 29, 2008 Well man I think this guide is not so much usefull...also it is boring to read it...:) But never mind! Good job! Keep on!
Tiahani Posted March 29, 2008 Posted March 29, 2008 You should make a packet with ur tips and upload it Very difficult all of that for what it give btw i'll try
qulimax Posted March 29, 2008 Posted March 29, 2008 I think it's just copy paste from somewhere.But thnx anyway :) nice job
Frank Posted March 29, 2008 Posted March 29, 2008 I think it's just copy paste from somewhere.But thnx anyway :) nice job Man as you can see he says on the bottom of the page Credits to it is a copy+paste but he shared it with us..
qulimax Posted March 29, 2008 Posted March 29, 2008 Sorry i didn't read the whole list of tips :) my bad....
Gavron Posted March 29, 2008 Posted March 29, 2008 Nice exploits thanks...pff //edit ok man thanks veru much kisses for ya :** but its not exploit :)
ADAL13 Posted March 29, 2008 Posted March 29, 2008 Nice guide? If you say "CT1 Game Tips" only put the tips of CT1 no of all L2 from C1-CT1 xD thanks anyway
cuppacoffee Posted March 29, 2008 Posted March 29, 2008 Nice exploits thanks...pff Nobody is forcing you to read it. Anyway. IMO its not that usefull really... but well sure some people can find it usefull
ALEX2008GR Posted March 29, 2008 Author Posted March 29, 2008 Nice exploits thanks...pff what's that pff at the end no one told you to read all tips if you want to make more posts just say only thanks (sorry for off-topic)
FightToTheDeath Posted March 29, 2008 Posted March 29, 2008 You could post credits too not just a name but from where you c/p that.
shmeq Posted April 10, 2008 Posted April 10, 2008 these are tips...the thing i don't get is why they are "CT1 tips"...most of them are the same for interlude/c5...
Vein Posted April 10, 2008 Posted April 10, 2008 these are tips...the thing i don't get is why they are "CT1 tips"...most of them are the same for interlude/c5... Tips from loading screen in l2 (atleast what iv read!)
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