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[GR]Ama den ipirxe to YouTube kai to Google

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Lipon ayto to topic dimiourgithike giati thelo na matho ti tha kanate ama den ipirxe to Google kai to YouTube?


parakalo min apantate me ths parakato erotisis - "tha to aniga ego","tha to anige enas allos","tha vriskotan kati tetio mexri tora"


thelo apla na mou apantisate ama ayta ta 2 site klisoun gia panta!! ti tha kanate?


p.x klinoun edo kai tora ayta ta 2 site ayti ti stigmi pou milame. poli apla ti tha kanate?,pos tha psaxnate?,pou tha vlepate video?...


perimeno apantisis..


(8a autoktonousa 0ax0axax0ax0ax0ax0ax0ax0ax0a00ax)


pios niazetai more??  epa8e tpt o bill gates kai fovase oti 8a kleisei h microsoft ;)


yahoo, bing... γενικά υπάρχουν αρκετές μηχανές αναζήτησης.





an den upirxe to prwto 8a upirxe to 2o an oxi facebook twitter an oxi twitter hi5


an den upirxe microsoft 8a upirxe mac-linux

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