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What Client you prefer for L2MxC New Server?  

210 members have voted

  1. 1. What Client you prefer for L2MxC New Server?

    • Interlude
    • Hellbound
    • Gracia Final

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will be IL... look the poll -.- IL is "classic" wow. :X this is so trivial... one man say IL is better, IL is classic, IL is stable and all start to say IL is ... like old l2 players... NO, when u say "IL is better" u dont say "im old l2 player" u say "im stu**d NUB who prefer IL cause i think is cool to prefer the classic" ...


Of course Interlude 100%. I was playing in old L2 MxC. Was good, actually was great server and i love an interlude server like the old MxC.


Good Luck, i will join for sure when server will be online :P !


Was great? Come on, what was the difference with ANY other mid rate l2off server? Let's speak the truth only. A mid rate server has no future, so please do not fool yourself, that it will last longer than 1-2 months. It's either a high rate either a low rate. The mid rates have never attracted new people(except on the start),because if you actually think, there is no fucking point to join an old mid rate server.


Also, who is Arias? If he was that good and maxtor's friend, he would have been here since the forum opened and he would have helped him with l2mxc the first time. Don't you ask yourself who he is? I don't trust that he is new here. He is either good, but he has another nickname, either a total newbie in what maxtor wants him to do. If you had that big developing knowledge, you would have started your own business till now( not necessary a server like fred,manton ) . You guys just never think and when it's too late, you accuse the others for your foolish acts.


Normally my opinion is exactly the opposite of Intrepid's, but here he is right.


- Kiefer.


Was great? Come on, what was the difference with ANY other mid rate l2off server? Let's speak the truth only. A mid rate server has no future, so please do not fool yourself, that it will last longer than 1-2 months. It's either a high rate either a low rate. The mid rates have never attracted new people(except on the start),because if you actually think, there is no -beep-ing point to join an old mid rate server.


Also, who is Arias? If he was that good and maxtor's friend, he would have been here since the forum opened and he would have helped him with l2mxc the first time. Don't you ask yourself who he is? I don't trust that he is new here. He is either good, but he has another nickname, either a total newbie in what maxtor wants him to do. If you had that big developing knowledge, you would have started your own business till now( not necessary a server like fred,manton ) . You guys just never think and when it's too late, you accuse the others for your foolish acts.


Normally my opinion is exactly the opposite of Intrepid's, but here he is right.


- Kiefer.


hehe kudos man kudos :D


who lied you ?

c4 l2elite server is working for 6 years and it has depmax 64 protection and is the most closest server to retail I have ever seen

indeed l2elite was one of the best servers i ever played. I can't believe that it never dies.


indeed l2elite was one of the best servers i ever played. I can't believe that it never dies.

it`s dead now, Dosmac is trying for 1 month to fix it hahah ( meanwhile test server x99999999 its opened :) )


emm in my opinion

if u want new thinks, more friendly game go gracia / h5

but if want play LINEAGE 2 go interlude / before


so why play gracia / h5 ? and no wow /aion/ others?

wow / others. have more thinks are more completes... but is not l2, like gracia is not l2..


when i want try the l2 sense ill go to c6 or before


gracia / h5 its other game with l2 style thats my opinion to play that i preffer real lineage or other games


Well i dont saw this opinion here but i want suggest to make it Freya Retail x10 L2OFF

If not Gracia Final or Hellbound.. Cause I think l2mxc need about 1000 players + And with interlude Client this is impossible So Chouce something between Hellbound or G.Final but i preffer Freya for Sure:)


it`s dead now, Dosmac is trying for 1 month to fix it hahah ( meanwhile test server x99999999 its opened :) )


Laugh, but find me another admin like dosmac. Funny how everybody laughs on the others, but never looks at himself and his achievements.


emm in my opinion

if u want new thinks, more friendly game go gracia / h5

but if want play LINEAGE 2 go interlude / before


so why play gracia / h5 ? and no wow /aion/ others?

wow / others. have more thinks are more completes... but is not l2, like gracia is not l2..


when i want try the l2 sense ill go to c6 or before


gracia / h5 its other game with l2 style thats my opinion to play that i preffer real lineage or other games

1.WoW/LoL etc have nothing to do with high five etc...Unstuck your minds


also stop saying think it's thing


My Opinion is Gracia Final,good balanced and better from C6-Interlude!

If you do it low rate Gracia Final is perfect,if made pvp server start working in CLIENT part for be more interesting i think. Are you thinking Max ? =)

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