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[Share]Hot Pink Pixie Wings [Interlude]

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well guys here just share pink wings for gilrs :P and i hope u like it guys bye




1	9613	0	3	4	3	0	Dropitems.drop_raid_master_m001_a			LineageAccessoryTex.raid_master_m001_a_t00			icon.accessory_raid_master_i00					4294967295	10	13	0	0	17	1	pixiewings.MFighter_pixiewings				1	pixy.pixy				1					0					1	pixiewings.FFighter_pixiewings				1	pixy.pixy				0					0					1	pixiewings.MDarkElf_pixiewings				1	pixy.pixy				0					0					1	pixiewings.FDarkElf_pixiewings				1	pixy.pixy				0					0					1	pixiewings.mdwarf_pixiewings				1	pixy.pixy				0					0					1	pixiewings.Fdwarf_pixiewings				1	pixy.pixy				0					0					1	pixiewings.MElf_pixiewings				1	pixy.pixy				0					1					1	pixiewings.FElf_pixiewings				1	pixy.pixy				0					0					1	pixiewings.MMagic_pixiewings				1	pixy.pixy				0					0					1	pixiewings.FMagic_pixiewings				1	pixy.pixy				0					0					1	pixiewings.morc_pixiewings				1	pixy.pixy				0					0					1	pixiewings.FOrc_pixiewings				1	pixy.pixy				0					0					1	pixiewings.MShaman_pixiewings				1	pixy.pixy				0					0					1	pixiewings.FShaman_pixiewings				1	pixy.pixy				0					0					0		0		0		0		1	LineageAccessory.Mfighter_raid_master_m001_a	1	LineageAccessoryTex.raid_master_m001_a_t00	LineageEffect.p_u002_a	1					ItemSound.itemdrop_leather	ItemSound.itemequip_armor_wood	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0




Credits by RavenSpirit

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OMG copy paste from other website. Its not even your work. Nice one critical error, u sux dude!

I could ban u instantly!U can't see that he gave credits at his first post?-1 Karma for profane language.And come again to talk like this to a member who has made so many shares

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OMG copy paste from other website. Its not even your work. Nice one critical error, u sux dude!

i know this is not my work LOL u cant see it don´t spam and i give credits is for "RavenSpirit"
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