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lol irelia big noob build trinity, man he must build phantom x4bloothister and bers boots


Dont forget the must buy item on irel..







Buy 5 for extra pleasure

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nidalee ad top:

tips: poke your enemy and push him to nexus

build:if you have -beep- your enemy very fast:

bloothister mom gardian angel

if you winning for some cs and a kill for example you can go

frozean heart mom warmog atmas

if you lose just stay afk :P

also omen isn't bad or trinity

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My masteries will be something like that. About items how with be if i take cloath and 5 potions and complete the item that gives ward every 5m,trinity,crystal specter,frozen mallet and then a item to make it a bit tanky?

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nidalee ad top:

tips: poke your enemy and push him to nexus

build:if you have -beep- your enemy very fast:

bloothister mom gardian angel

if you winning for some cs and a kill for example you can go

frozean heart mom warmog atmas

if you lose just stay afk :P

also omen isn't bad or trinity


im 25lvl but as bad as i know,i can stay back and take care xD . I think bloodthister and frozen heart are useless,as for warmongs i prefer frozen mallet for some dmg too.

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after 1 catastrophic week of elo falling and 30 loses & 6 victories i managed to stabilize that fall at last with champs like Tryndamere Caitlyn and Vladimir!!!!!!!!!!!!! (champs i never play)


now im about to comeback to the high elo again this week :) prepare your anus :D

i ll make a topic which i ll post every game's ending just to reveal how ppl think over that elos

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