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i have tried ap ashe so why not annie tank :P


Annie's E gives her a lot of armor/mr with nice cd and nice passive...

plus low mp cost and she has 2 aoe stuns :d


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lol Kennen is very easy. He is the only mid champ I can play in ranked games.

took me some time to learn how to compine his passive,his W passive in combine with E and Q..

i wouldnt say that he is easy,but if you play some games aka practise a bit then its k.

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took me some time to learn how to compine his passive,his W passive in combine with E and Q..

i wouldnt say that he is easy,but if you play some games aka practise a bit then its k.

make 3 spells then next spell on enemy stun him like Q E W stun enemy...there is a trick to double stun .. Q E R = stun then W = again stun.
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-beep-ing lucker.


i had kassadin on my team with mobility boots.that guy was pro 1/8.a he have 647 victory and he is on 1200 elo and lower

why im lucker lol

im playing solo top or jungle most of the times with ww and im carrying em xD


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