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Everything posted by Endarielle

  1. give me skype id
  2. what items are u talking about .give me your skype or smth so we can talk
  3. WTS LIST IN L2 NANNA SERVER : draco bow +9 focus draco bow +7 clean Ic set +3 3xmaj set+3 3x tts set +3-4 Olympiad staff AQ ZAKEN TEZZA ORFEN CORE 10k tod (1k = 5 EURO ) 4-5x nobleese accounts
  4. send me message with skype or something
  5. give me skype i have full epics and all u need
  6. send me message with skype adress
  7. selling on la2dream.su interlude 30x server draco bow(f) +10 + duel might active arcana mace +10 acumen WM active Heaven's divider +9 might active Draco set +6 Tallum set +6-9 tts set +6 Baium AQ Zaken VALAKAS Antharas ALL enchanted +6 or more i got more items ..i just putted the important ones also got more epics for sale not just 1 set
  8. skype plz
  9. is not for free .. he sell it lifetime lower price than Daniel
  10. like tittle say i wts BAIUM AQ TEZZA ZAKEN and i also sell db+11 focus pm me here
  11. one friend of mine sell english version of adrenaline (lifetime) pm me
  12. skype id ?
  13. HEllo guys , I sell accounts in all regions on low prices with various skins If you check my posts you will see that im trusted seller not only in LOL but in Linage2 also You can also reply in my topic with what you need and i can provide some photos /elophant for anything you want I also sell accounts with Legendary skins or Rare skins that are not buyable on low prices I sell accounts + email , so you dont have what to worry about :D
  14. i got resonable prices . you will be amazed
  15. i can sell ,
  16. add me in skype or pm here
  17. 2 draco set 1 ic set 1 ma set 1 tateo set 1 am acu+4 1 db clean // 6 ews 1 dc robe set demon splinter heath+4
  18. skype id full ?
  19. 6-7 K TOD in stock AM+7 acumen IC set+6 3x dc robe set 2x Draconic Set TTS set +4-5-6 Forgotten blade +5 Health Duals +7 s grade Draco bow +9 focus draco bow clean. majestic set 1k tod Anything else u need on demanding . ask and i can make NEW ITEMS : BAIUM AQ ZAKEN TEZZA ANTHARAS . pm with offerts
  20. im intrested in buying 5-10k tod in l2 nanna interlude also wtb S weps/armoors +++++ tts set +++++ Epic Boss jwls .. pm me here with your skype ID I ACCEPT MIDDLE MAN TRADEs
  21. hello . i have ic set+6 x2 / draco set+6 db+10 focus and probably full epics boss set but we need to talk price
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