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Everything posted by Endarielle

  1. clean email , pm with full details as message and then we talk
  2. hi send me your discord to talk
  3. there is nothing to understand , this "city got flooded" i pretext for idiots . you said you finish job in 2-3 days , your cirty got flooded after 1 week , PAY BACK or i will insist to take your post down
  4. Hello, i paid you 90 euro for updater on 11 September 2024 and you said delivery time is 2-3 days ... it's 22 Octomber and i still have no work for what i paid nor the money back , you simply refuse to answer to my messages @Celestine@Ave
  5. write me msg with your discord or telegr
  6. Hello, As title say im lf a SPS 58 + with email in giran server, pm me here doesn't really matter if he got gear or not
  7. Hello, As title say im lf a SPS 55 + with email in giran server, pm me here doesn't really matter if he got gear or not
  8. project seems nice , what expectations you have ?
  9. items / adena / epics message me here
  10. add me on skype projectavi2007 ( th 79 on 70%
  11. hello, price ? or sennd me pm with skype
  12. what char are you lf . leave me a phone number / skype i got ~ 20 chars 60 +
  13. Hello, I'm selling the following in l2 ovc : Ic set +3 / draco set Sierra blade +15 valakas baium /aq around 1k Ancient adena AM +3 acumen Tatteosian jwls dc robe set around 20k adena I can also sell items on request like top S grade weps +16. message me here and we talk I accept only paypal friends and family I also accept middleman
  14. what exactly are you looking for
  15. how much u wtb?
  16. check your pm
  17. Hello guys, As title said i'm selling adena in l2red. 1kk = 9$ pm here for details
  18. good luck :)
  19. Hello, Like title says i'm looking to buy adena /epics/ dc set PM me with prices Im also looking for Power lvl 3 chars ( 2x from 1-78 // 1x 60 -78)
  20. skype ? and price ?
  21. List of items in Nexus 25x : 5x Vesper Noble Robe Sets (900 resists) +3 all Vesper Buster Acumen +4 fire 300 element Vesper Buster Acumen+0 water 300 element Vesper Buster Acumen+0 water 200 element Vesper Buster Acumen +0 no element 2 Vesper jwls set +0-3 Cp shirts +4 , adena Contact me here or pm for skype
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