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Everything posted by Malzahax

  1. currently in test mode we search for bugs etc i guess 1-2 weeks
  2. ofc everyone is welcome and if you got suggestions just throw them on a pm or here i will be glad
  3. tommorow a test server will be up just for public to check the gameplay so i will open a beta forum to check it guys
  4. I would like to advertise one upcoming server made from some friends from Bulgaria and UK So me as a tester and helper on the advertise would like to keep you in touch for the server's progress and updates. Newbies will start at Baiums Room , there they can choose their class for Mr.Roy the cat and the faction team that will want to find for. The first team is Blue team. and the second is Red team. Aura's are available on the characters (Like TvT) ~Start: They will get instant 78 level after picking up team ~ PvP System 1 PvP = 3 adenas If a new player kill a mature one then he will get 5 adenas Anti feed system for pdef,party,clan,same player,etc. The whole pvp system is based at Maps (All the L2 World except bases is getting a war zone) Every Map lasts for 25 Mins. At 1000 PvP you gain acces for using PvP chat ( Pressing --> ~ <---- and the text you want) ~ Enchant System There are no scrolls on the server neither kill based enchant system. In order to get scrolls you need to fight for them, after every pvp kill you got 20% to get a scroll (It drops random grade scrolls from B Grade - S grade and all types (Normal,Blessed,Crystal ) <- Might change after some polls) Safe is 3 and max is 16 (60 % rate) ~ Nobless system Optional 1500 Adenas or Kill Flame of Splentor Barakiel (If a party kills barakiel then whole party gets noblessed) ~Olympiad (We still work on the olympiad games but now is what is developed Will be enabled after 1 week of servers uptime Retail olympiad just ignoring the faction you are. (We thought of making faction vs faction that is what we currently developing but we will implement it after polls) ~Donate Manager 1 Coin of luck = 1 Euro You take the coins and on GM Shop theres a button that you can by anything you want, prices/items are fair. ~ Supports Classes Support classes can gain adenas if they are in party since the whole party gets reward Ressurection skill costs 25 Adena to cast ~Events Kino event using .kino ~Voicedcommants .mapinfo (check current map + time remaining) .changepass (change your password) .kino (play the kino event) More to come PTS Patch http://www.2shared.com/file/7tybTecl/system.html server is not on open beta phase ( web under contruction)
  5. i hope he will do something also for greece.. not only africa
  6. about the first check on soulshot-e.dat
  7. on sql make just lrhand and it will be dual dagger
  8. to oti xaskogelas se kathe topic p kaneis xaxa
  9. Key is an account right? i need to pay monthly etc? just explain me and tell me a price
  10. if it is 100% ok
  11. nomizoun oti kanoun kati pou tha <<fovisei>> tous <<dinatous>> an den vgeis ston dromo na diadiloseis kai n fwnakseis gia ta dikaiwmata sou pws tha se akousoun?
  12. pisteueis pos mia omada hackers to kanei gia tn ellada ? i gia n deiksei tin dinami pou exoun wste n paradigmatistoun osoi etoimazoun kati paromoio gia tin diki tous xwra?
  13. MY EDIT ADDED . if(activeChar.getClan() != null ) if(!activeChar.isClanLeader()) -activeChar.getAppearance().setTitleColor(Config.CLAN_NOLEADER_COLOR); +activeChar.getAppearance().setTitleColor(0xFFFFFF);
  14. free one or paid one?
  15. how you count guys those % stuff?
  16. whoever says chelsea doesnt play football .., he is just idiot chelsea uses a strategy on the whole championship full defense and 2 strikers so take this pain in the ass -beep-ing germans and stfup
  17. add another race on client and just apply this mod on them
  18. 1 buff shop opws kaneis sell shop n epilegeis t buffs apo mesa n sikonete n s kanei buff k n ksanakathete episis s offline mode
  19. dokimasmeni lisi pare 1 pc akrivo gia tn server s k 1-2 poli xamilon timwn k zita apo tn eteria kathe fora p tha s skane attack n kanei redirect ekei :) tha s kostisei ligotera an pareis k oikonomiki etairia
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