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Everything posted by Malzahax

  1. even if my team own a server we will give you a visit, i am so excited with these features.
  2. vl4d!!!!!
  3. We bought the site in some mins will be up only index.html http://l2rvb.eu/
  4. i didnt say search i didnt say anything i said search or anything
  5. _selectorThread.start(); + + int[] npcIds = {addherenpcid1,npcid2}; + int[][] npcLocs = { + {x1,y1,z1}, + {x2,y2,z2},}; + for (int i=0;i<npcIds.length;i++) + { + L2NpcTemplate template1 = NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(npcIds[i]); + L2Spawn spawn1 = new L2Spawn(template1); + spawn1.setLocx(npcLocs[i][0]); + spawn1.setLocy(npcLocs[i][1]); + spawn1.setLocz(npcLocs[i][2]); + spawn1.setHeading(0); + spawn1.setRespawnDelay(0); + SpawnTable.getInstance().addNewSpawn(spawn1, true); + spawn1.init(); + } + + } + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
  6. thanks all that join to beta we reached 17 people online pvping on the beta yes i know seems low community but with only mxc help w/o site is good for us... seems people like as beta will stop at friday we open on saturday
  7. http://www.2shared.com/file/7tybTecl/system.html new patch now our server is hosted on a dedicated
  8. trolled
  9. lol i only troll here [gr] to name tou gt ine E gida? ti enoei? :O [/gr]
  10. work / stability / features? Guys dedicated arrived so get ready for the beta , site is almost done , i set up files on the dedicated
  12. you fucking untrollable
  13. handmade in some seconds :O
  14. this this
  15. [Hidden post: You need reply to this topic to see it.]
  16. i fixed it on load of gameserver.java using int ty anyway (special thanks to sahar)
  17. i can get 72mb using acis :P with all loaded nunu
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