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Everything posted by Malzahax

  1. Se kapion p n kserei giauto, thelw n rotisw kati
  2. thelw n rotisw kati
  3. Exw na rotisw kati
  4. poutaneska?
  5. carbonara?
  6. spaghetti napolitana
  7. spaghetti
  8. re mlk k esi kati rotisa k mas exeis zalisei t @@ m tn bafo pes t p vriskei t pantelonia k t sovraka jamaica ama dn ksereis gamiseto gamw ton bafo ! Auta kanete k sas kanoun oti theloun i politiki bafo kai agios o theos
  9. Actually both of you are noobs, cant touch my level :
  10. [4/7/2012 4:15:15 μμ] kOzA: oke [4/7/2012 4:15:50 μμ] kOzA: na se po kanena pvp kalo pack,exis ? oxi fozen,k ta source tou l2jevil ta exis k boris n akanic 2-3 pramata p 8a s po ? [4/7/2012 4:15:55 μμ] kOzA: vevea 8a se pliroso. ok coded by koza
  11. akiro
  12. o dask trollarei o vazelos trollarei m manes +1 dask xrisi augh opios dn tn psifisei ksilo
  13. ela re malakes ti vazelos psifiste dask simferei
  14. p ine o kados?
  15. dask gt exei wraio onoma
  16. dask gt ine wraio onoma
  17. Join the forums now We are almost done we need just also your opinion, experienced developer and staff team is ready to drive you crazy with our server http://www.community.l2reincarnation.com/index.php?/topic/5-features-under-discussion-not-final/ give your ideas and answer to the upcoming polls Hello L2Reincarnation, after long work and discussions on features, we're ready to present you most of them, even if they're not final, they can be changed, but those are the base, the only things that can be changed are numbers, not the basic systems. Hopefully we'll make a good place for you to stay at. Rates : Experience: The values aren't important. On entering the world you'll view our newest system, the Newbie System, by few clicks you'll be level up, geared up, teleported to main town, and granted with some adena, as easy as that. Just few clicks and you'll be ready to start farming or PvPing. Enchant: Weapons and Armor enchants maximum is set to 15, equality into weapons and armors is the best way for us to balance the stats and gameplay. Enchant rates are set to minimum. The original value is 33% of success. You'll all freak out and ask WHY?! Well, i'll simply explain. Read below. We did the enchantments low, because this is a way to keep the economy stable, and the items that's enchanted more than +4 will be considered VALUABLE and rare, this way our economy will stay high during most of server's online time. The enchantment may be low, yeah, but that's why we have our Enchant Coin(?). The Enchant coin can be obtained by few raid bosses in the server. The coin can be used into our NPC Enchanter, it gives 100% success to the next enchant, just click on the item you want to enchant and it will instantly enchant itself with +1, on the rate of 100%. Features: - Custom Server currencys Newbie system. PvP trader Custom Karma system I will post more information LATER. Flawless Geodata Player spawn protection - New Armor Stats We've reworked the stats of Apella's armors and renamed them. Basically they're now with 5% stronger then current S Grade armor sets. Their stats have been tested and balanced strictly. (UNDECIDED) Tank Armor / Light Armor / Robe Armor - You would ask why custom armors? Here's our answer: We're made those armors in order to give people something to farm for, you know after X amount of time everyone's get bored of the server, but what if you have something to work and farm for? Something stronger and unique, nothing more powerfull then the rest of the armors, but still to be a bit stronger. Also the new armors will be enchantable only with Raid Boss Enchant scrolls, meaning their enchantments will be hard to recieve, and if you manage to make +6 Armor it will be considered UBER RARE. This is another way to keep our economy stable and high. Having low enchant rates will make PvP balanced and interesting. Pvp/Pk Features: - Achievment systems The system is made in a way to lead you trought the server. While you PvP you'll unlock new extra things. The list is not full, but we've got basic achievments done. Achievments will be unlockable by amount of PvPs. Here's the lits of already done achievments. - 10 PvPs: Noblesse status. - 50 PvPs: Extra subclass spot. - 100 PvPs: 5 Enchants hearts. - 200 PvPs: Unlock Upgrade for Armor. - 300 PvPs: Undecided. - 400 PvPs: Undecided. - 500 PvPs: Undecided. - Weapon Bonus system. The system is based on the Augmentation system, but it's nothing close to it. Based on PvPs again, you'll recieve random weapon bonuses. You can have up to 3 bonuses. You'll recieve bonus on 100 PvPs, 250 PvPs, and 400 PvPs. The bonuses will be random and will be attached to the weapon, even if it's traded. You'll be able to remove the bonuses if you complete a short quest and paying small amount of our custom currency. Here's an example how your weapon can look. Arcana Mace with 3 bonuses. +1% M.atk +2% Walk speed +1% CP Amount In this case you've recieved 3 good random bonuses. There is cases that you can get useless bonuses, but to remove that useless bonus, you'll have to remove all other bonuses and start over. Vote reward : TopZone : 1 Event Box HopZone : 1 Event Box (They contain different rewards, such as life stones, blessed enchants) Zones : Main town: Undecided, yet. Safe Farming Zone: Undecided, yet. PvP/Pk/Farming Zone: Undecided, yet. Raid Boss Zone: Undecided, yet. Custom Npc : We've got large amount of custom NPCs, you'll get to know them once we open the server. They're stylish and interesting, also they're easy to navigate trough. P.S.: The topic is subject of change. Best regards, L2Reincarnation Administrative team.
  18. print a pic of console to check it out :P
  19. www.community.l2reincarnation.com Join the forums now We are almost done we need just also your opinion, experienced developer and staff team is ready to drive you crazy with our server http://www.community.l2reincarnation.com/index.php?/topic/5-features-under-discussion-not-final/ give your ideas and answer to the upcoming polls
  20. oh thats the pack i used on my server l2 universe i can give you all the bug list if you want to fix them to have better gameplay else you will be so angry and close it.. :P
  21. sto error leei server is in the 1st page of hopzone kai tou dineis tou l2topzone to link twra, an dn ine auto tote ine auto p s ipan leipei column apo pion t pires t pack?
  22. www.l2genesis.org was my server... stolen name?
  23. x1000 retail buff slots /time craft , boss hunting i think will be a good one
  24. ban gt dn mporw n kanw picture ton pono s
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