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Everything posted by Gladicek

  1. Ofc and your problem is that you are lying to your customers :) 1% is as always "custom"...
  2. I'm not gonna download H5 client to just confirm that you are selling crap.
  3. Actually if you can't prove it then it's simply truth that your pack is just another copy/paste of L2j + few custom craps... ;)
  4. I rework them to java cause you are not able to do it ;) I did it just for users like you which need to put something in pack and then sell it :D
  5. Omg this is serious project! Just look on that name.. L2JOFFICIAL... :-beep- yeah: :-beep- yeah: :-beep- yeah:
  6. I just checked that best pack.... oh god. Just copy/paste, rename author, put into pack, sell and profit.
  7. addCondCompletedQuest(QXX_BLALBALBALBLA.class.getSimpleName(), "xxx.htm"); Its more easier for newbies to understand and get into how quest engine is working now. I don't like old way where you had add check into CREATED. Now you just put that into addCondCompletedQuest and that's all. Old way check... qs = player.getQuestState(QXXX_XXX.class.getSimpleName()); if (qs != null) && (qs.isCompleted())) ? "blabla.htm" : "blablalba.htm";
  8. Nice one. But you can update that with informations about current l2j quests. Like this: public Q10323_TrainLikeItsReal() { super(10323, Q10323_TrainLikeItsReal.class.getSimpleName(), "Train Like It's Real"); addStartNpc(EVAIN); addTalkId(HOLDEN, EVAIN, SHANNON); addKillId(TRAINING_GOLEM); addCondMaxLevel(MAX_LEVEL, "33464-05.htm"); addCondCompletedQuest(Q10322_SearchingForTheMysteriousPower.class.getSimpleName(), "33464-05.htm"); }
  9. Yep yep yep yep. You cant accept it but thats your problem. As I said. Deal with it :)
  10. No. And I dont want to know it :) :) :) So many VKV could be there.
  11. Haters gonna hate... :D L2jfree was crap too and deal with it.
  12. After reading whole drama in this topic. I can just say that Ertheia branch have now fast progress :)
  13. True :P But shit happends :D
  14. So its another project which just take some svn files -> add few custom things -> sell it and profit!...mother god :D
  15. Yep thats true. We rewrite it from scratch based on freya AI :)
  16. Yep they have it working. L2jU, L2DC and aCis are best packs which exist in L2j world. Mostly other "russians" packs have lot of AI/Instances/Skills which are totally not retail like. And your pack have that bad AIs too so yes your pack is not best. :)
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