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Everything posted by Gladicek

  1. Another boring zombie game or game with battleroyale mode incoming...
  2. Thank you :D Anyway we updated to Helios (latest chronicle for NCWest).
  3. L2jUnited was old project for H5 chronicle. It was developed by UnAfraid, lion, Sandro, Aikimaniac, Gnacik, JIV and more (I don't remember all of them). It's nothing related to L2jUnity (our project). These files are not shared yet (I guess) and only some people have them. So he has almost zero chance to get them for free :D
  4. No, he is asking about old private pack H5 L2j-United. But that's something what he can't find out that easy :D
  5. Noone cares about opinion from random player (bot user). You failed again, it's time to find another topic where you can increase your post count. The End.
  6. 2 years playing legit ... WOW.... so here we ends. You can't do a shit without soft random/bad player. So as I said.
  7. Someone who don't know to play game without any soft is trying to complain...sad storky. Keep trolling and playing games because that's only what you can do... ;)
  8. I like how random users are joining these forum conversations :D Ty random player. I like you too :)
  9. Ok ty for info :) I played it really shortly and I was farming in basic locations where it was everything same like in past. Anyway gl with classic developing :)
  10. Hey, you can sniff some basic spawnlist with sniffer but since L2OFF is based with spawns zones, it's not gonna be "retail like" anyway :D But atleast you get something. Otherwise, the best choice is obviously to get retail spawnlist with zones and base it on it. I played classic only one time and for short period. It looked for me that most of spawns are still same like it was in earlier chronicles (but I'm not 100% sure).
  11. You know that internet is full of porn.... do you really want it? I would rather take mah teh COOOKIIIEEEEEEE :D
  12. So show me better pack now. Mobius? Which just broke our files more? L2Scripts? Which are using GoD spawns and custom AI's? Hm?
  13. It's only your problem that you are working alone. And you can check https://forums.l2junity.org/index.php?board=9.0#forum and see what was fixed already. You just involved "EXPLOIT" in one of your commits after few days when you started to use our files.... how more bad can you just be lol. Not even talking that there was exploit in mobius files from ertheia for several months... You would be still without any single working crap if we didn't share it. Just be glad for it because you can't do any simple feature or rework by yourself.
  14. Thanks, let's hope that you don't f*ck up our files more like you do now :) Currently you just did crappy "fixes" and broke it more xD
  15. I don't like that much IL and H5 just because it lack of content. Yeah, pvp is more balanced there but you have nothing to do. It's easy and fast to get everything :) Helios will bring us lot of reworks and new features (gl Mobius).
  16. Ty :) Just few more days for Helios chronicle... yeeeey :D
  17. Well, you can already join us :) More info you can find here http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/203232-l2junity-infinite-oddyssey/ :)
  18. Currently it's not much worth to play official servers for PVP content. It's war of zRangers. Not even talking that currently, its so hard to get adena by normal way on NCWest servers. So PVE content on higher level is available only if you pay for adena from sellers and buy some +++++ weapon atleast. Otherwise you will never get into better location (not that fast as you would like to) :D
  19. Well, Mobius used our base of l2junity (from free version). That means only we did good job (as we do now) because he went with it into private as fast it was possible to start again l2jmobius (with new source). It's up to him if he can fix critical issues which were in free version, make it stable and move on with missing features. Our free files are accessable to everyone. You can check and compare it with old mobius files to see differences and make your own opinion about this.
  20. Just download latest client from NCWest launcher and then use GG killer :)
  21. Try to bullshit more. Commits were done from your account. The End.
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