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Everything posted by Gladicek

  1. I'm not a client developer. And this is my own opinion, so take your post and put it into deep hole ;)
  2. 4/10... TI GoD town as base with few old buildings from other towns :(
  3. L2jUnity - Helios project - https://forums.l2junity.org

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      Ok ok, good project good staff good name tryskell suck cock.. When i say cock i refer to the one in Harry Potter :*

    3. Gladicek
    4. AccessDenied


      #aCisSucks #aCisNeed8YearsFor1Revision #GladicekLegsFTW

  4. Cmon, dont be mad on me. I know that you wanted to have sex with gf but, she refused it. I understand it. But dont be so mad cause of it :(
  5. Wtf... just rework this forum. Otherwise we will have two dead forums.
  6. Yeah, I like that gif. So cute :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
  7. I did almost zero work on XML. So its invalid. As I said. Thats Sdw job and he can confirm it :D
  8. Its based on Ertheia files which were developed by UnAfraid/Sdw/Nik etc. They started GoD+ chronicle for L2j. Otherwise there would be only H5 forever. And as you know L2jUnity reworked most of L2j stuff already. Your argument is invalid. That job for Sdw... noonlike likes to do XML at all :D So dear mobiusky fanboys, fix exploits which you involved few days after free unity release and then we can speak again. Thank you and have a nice day ;)
  9. So leeching is now called as "working as hard"... thank you. I'm still new to this.
  10. Yeah, its never ending story. And dont try to argue that Mobius is not leeching... :D
  11. Yep, they will find out that you are leeching and doing nothing at all... #Mobiusky
  12. It's not clean code, whole instance logic is missing. More like custom feature because it has nothing to do with Tauti. And "have it working" aka "enter, kill boss, exit"... looks familiar to l2scripts :D So np.
  13. Look about what I wrote about you Mr. Leecher... aka Mobius aka Pandragon... whatever same shit as always. Btw as you know we always wanted to be on latest client as retail. But your brain is too much damaged so stick to older chronicles. $60 year And you can simply buy something like this... definetly WORTH... xD https://gist.github.com/Gladicek/144c66426e3038e0f4ac80f49e7e9657
  14. It's hard to accept fact that you are just based on work of others? Sad. **baaaduuuummm tsss*** Started with shitty l2s lindvior or what was that, then moved on l2j ertheia which was released, then moved on l2junity free files and now synchronizing changes from free version... ultra sad storka. You never finished anything (not mentioning classic project..cause it was dead from start). **baaaduuuummm tsss*** What are you without our contributions? Nothing. Just fucking leecher. **baaaduuuummm tsss*** Think about that why you don't have any team...because noone wants to work with leecher...***baaaduuuummm tsss*** We already saw what you can do with L2jUnity files.. thanks god that you are downgrading your own pack. **baaaduuuummm tsss***
  15. You are same dumbass like sellers on this forum aka "Let's take something for free and sell it for money". So be aware about what you say when your pack is based on our work and you are trying to get money from it (even synchronizating latest free changes...huh). Not even talking about that change of author names... Why you would do stuff just to make it work? Are you from l2scripts which never saw retail stuff? That has nothing to do with Lineage 2 at all. And since for making things to work as much retail its possible, you have to touch old l2j crap core and rework it. Otherwise you are gonna fail so hard. So back to you cave Mr. Leecher...oh sorry, Mobius.
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