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Everything posted by SensationWhite

  1. hahaha nam cu cn vorbi ,iara toti is scholari cuminti si sunt la scoala noua iar neo zis vechea poveste ca de ne prinde azi si maine la scoala ne da 4 pe al 2 lea sem
  2. sorry for asking coz i never played up to IL,but what this monkeys do when u summon them?or they just fly arround you like a usual animal?they got skills?as its been said up only the monkey angel got skills,the others>?
  3. - More Than 17 Years Old hate clans who think that it will be more pro if they invite only old ppl like 17+++ or 18++ when someone smaller maiby is more mature and know more about l2 than them...
  4. rubish it cant be available,not even a official rumor about l3 so far
  5. what race is that evolved character with that BIG white shield and knight armor who can destroy the castle gate with one hit :O.is that a race? or a ultimate transform skill ? or what ? omg
  6. wazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  7. maiby u have viruses in your pc,reinstal the windows
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