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Everything posted by SensationWhite

  1. those wars are because we dont have a RO mod and grs got too many peace
  2. god i forgot about this game that i love so much when i was a kid,i have to download it
  3. going offtopic .......discuss about AC3 or dont discuss at all
  4. we are romaniacs spam team and we are AWESOMEEEE
  5. a0xa0-x0a-xa-x-a-xa-x0a0xa0x0ax0a0xa0x0a
  6. Coyote i think you dislike us ,not because you changed your title but because u ban that kid Andrey without to warn him,he was his first and only offense he ever said and as Raule said when someone swear him nobody do a thing a warn or something... those are the only things i had to say hope u wont get mad now and ban all of us
  7. parca vad ca pe dimineata knd ma trezesc o sa fie atatea nume negre pe aicea
  8. amu demi da ban sa vezi ce ma fute trance la cap toata viatza
  9. Coyote™, SensationWhite, Chr.Trance (+ 1 Hidden) and 0 Guests are viewing this topic. noah stai ca iara vine scandaluu
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