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Everything posted by SensationWhite

  1. cand aveti nervi faceti un pk pe ceva br,e cel mai bun calmant :D cel putin pentru mn
  2. Raule fami odata si mie sig cu spam team si bagama si pe mn in el ,ca ma chinuie asteptarea
  3. lasal kidutz cai de treaba :)) sa vezi cat razi cu el
  4. decat sa dau 200 de euro mai bine fut un chef cu toti tovarasi mei :) si e mai fain
  5. mi se pare mie sau la sensation black la videou de pe youtube la 01:07 cand incepe bassu ala pizda care se tot repeta constant se poate face jump style :D mai mult ca sigur pe el
  6. when i walked in a morning in MOS and found 3 th and 1 necro attacking me.2 th wearing S grade lv 76+ and one with majestic,necro same lv 61 + he was wearing a grade weapon and i pwned all :)).ofc i had items maiby they were new but still i loved when they were all down on the ground and i yeld on hero chat QQ Carpets and they started Br rubish on chat
  7. da ce sensation e trupa?sau ce drq? ma crezi ca nici nu stiu de unde i-o venit la Chr.Trance ideea sa puna numele asta,ca contu ii a lui :)).si eu care vroiam sami pun numele SensationWhite pe un elf summoner pentru oly pe un server =)) si nici nu stiam de unde vine numele
  8. care va pricepeti, ajutatil fratilor pe ala cu bufele lui! :)
  9. and if u look at tera it looks almost same with goddess of destruction ,except for the cloacked yeti who is bishop and the lil panda who is a fighter or something ....
  10. no he is not banned ,he is just hiding from vamps like Setekh
  11. L2 FrozeN - c4 L2 Vicious - c4 L2 Chronicle - c4 Best times of my life i regret those servers for closing :(
  12. AC BrotherHood is the 3rd part of AC:AC 1:Altair AC 2:Ezyo AC3=AC brotherhood .dont act like i`m talking no sence
  13. for me AC 3 is 10/10 since u can create your own assassins team if i heard corectly
  14. sa-mi dati si mie ventu ala pe care sunteti voi maine ca azi nu mai am chef sa-mi pun si castile si toate cacaturile
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