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Everything posted by Michaeltje

  1. Holy all the way to go if you dont have atributes on skills Dance of light + holy weapon and pew pew
  2. Dat CLG :p Awfull start, still win http://www.own3d.tv/live/211743/OGamingTV_International 2nd match cming up
  3. I bought cassio.. Im not some pro player, but cassio was good from the first moment i got my hands on her xD Worth the full 6300ip
  4. Buy gragas xD I luv gragas mid ^^ Great sustain and good lategame with his ult+barrel If enemies don't try to build magic resist, they are fcked as hell xD
  5. Didnt saintvicious do a veigar jungle once? As far as i remember he didnt do terrible that game xD think its on own3d.tv
  6. She isn't a bad ganker If you just check his skills... She can deal hard dmg with her Q or heal a lot late-game Shield helps to protect ur teammate when baiting, if needed you can pick up the kill by using mantra + shield You can slow enemies or make ur teammate faster togetter with u to pick up the kill She might not be #1 jungler, but neither the worse for sure
  7. Karma can do everything xD Only AD will be hard i think...
  8. > I'm just lv26, so no rankeds for me nah gotta bring my lil bro to train station hes leaving for a trip with school for 3 days :p So well... since i got my driving liscence i can drive him around >.> Anyway rlly gonna sleep :p @ cryst Seen it, watched stream after i asked here for pics :p but didnt rlly like...
  9. pff talon and lee look awsome and sona is kinda "well well" wukong just scks >.> imma go sleep, have to get up in 2 hours :p
  10. Oh mine didnt tought he stopped the project somewhere around august?
  11. ~1000 AP on Karma Mantra + shield with a Q and they died *-*
  12. Upload your Armorgrp-e.dat and itemname-e.dat (both located in your system folder) And pm the link to me I'll make it for you.. its a few minuts job
  13. Sure :p Well... I can play mid or AD carry too :p Even if i play AD carry with support runes since i can't afford AD's xD Only got rune set for AP and support xD
  14. ofc it will have problems But i'm alrdy happy if i got 4th class and skills "somehow" working l2j highrates dont really need the quests and all that, right
  15. L2j i guess... How would they get an l2off pack this fast?
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