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Everything posted by Michaeltje

  1. Google on "L2Net" get the link to insaneforums and get the latest download (v392 atm i think) works like a charm
  2. Taric counters his combo :p If he gets in range to do his jump you throw your stun on him > W and pewpew Early game you can kill him pretty easy, since you totally brake his armor (I max W first then Q then E) Late game you just become the tanky taric and try to stun him so ur carry has a few seconds longer to live xD Worked pretty well.. even if we lost the game due to 2 afkers
  3. New counter for leblanc: Taric mid tank Dont even need magic resist
  4. I normally play full-time support :p but true, yi carries games
  5. Certainly with all those trolls/leavers/afkers on low levels... all levels
  6. Dwarf ^^ Insane cuteness beats everything
  7. At the right top here >> you can click 'redeem' or smthng (isnt on my screen anymore, since i took them) gives some IP for each referral thats lv5+ :p
  8. Think i got like 5g/10 on my runes, combined with heart of gold it will give 1g/s extra so should do fine
  9. got 2.5k ip from new referral system now :p (didnt take it yet and had 10 refs on lv5 from the old sys :p) so sitting on 7.7k ip atm will check some champs later since my runes are fine :p
  10. Teemo AP support rocks Been against him once.. got mad from all the shrooms
  11. Hmz :p Will try when he's free Had pm for orianna, actually tried her before and worked pretty good some extra dmg in late-game is always good :p
  12. First time taric support + jungle You win 3 matches... then you meet the feeders >.>
  13. Jarvan and naut? Well kinda can understand naut but jarvan only has his knock-up and ult
  14. Lux has slow, bind and shield ^^ malph has slow, slam and GREAT ult forgot about her xD Added on the list xD
  15. got nunu and lux wanna wait with leona since she's expensive and played her when she was free.. dont rlly like her vs most combo's might try malph
  16. Hi guys,, Some of you might know I mainly play support :p So well.. i bought most of the "casual" supports like janna, sona, taric, karma, nunu, alistar, soraka, lux and kayle Now i kinda wanna try the non-casual supports Any idea's for some good ones, or which might work in some combo with ad??,, here's screen from what i got till now... guess you can see its mainly mid and support :p Thnx in advance ^^
  17. It's a russian server, what do you expect :p
  18. Scripting/advanced stuff/Farm bots/bot buffers > L2Net Pvp bots > zRanger Only cp/hp/mp pots > L2Tower/L2control So most of the time > L2Net :p
  19. She's... decent Nothing special i'd say... better take kog mid now, so OP
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