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Everything posted by Michaeltje

  1. Phoenix might be faster, tiger is better in ganks to pick up kills... well udyr is always good. On your question: I'd go with atk speed marks armor seals magic resist/level glyphs AD or movement speed quints as for maestries just go into defence and with extra atk speed. First item i useally get boots 3 pots... the faster you gank the better.
  2. They fix a lot on Lol actually... bugs or bots get fixed within days, havnt seen any yet... and if somebody manages to make/find one, i think he'll keep it on low-profile and just it himself only xD
  3. I mainly watch ocelote, theoddone, dyrus, snoopeh, vmanseven and saintvicious Didnt see oddbro and dyrus for a while tough...
  4. You can learn from watching streams.. atleast i did not only csing, but also map awerness (or how its written xD) etc,, you see what combo's work well togetter etc and some streamers comment their streams, which can be some helpfull sometimes. CS is important no matter what, and you can push and farm at the same time... it will be a bit slower but you'll have more money > more items = more power or more sustain ^^
  5. There are way to many IL servers around... unless you'll make smthng unique in some way it will fail like many others...
  6. and we love you for that :o
  7. DC robe on archer is bad? You can cast Hex way faster with it ^^ cmon! Nah, but it's just more intresting to have mods around with knowledge about 1 or 2 games on the forum. What elfo means is that you just get somebody to clean forum all day, who doesnt have any knowledge about games or smthng... just locking/cleaning topics all day But i kinda got a feeling you wont find an idiot for that...
  8. Why should it be somebody without knowledge about games? You can make some moderator who mainly keeps the forum clean, but can still give some advice in topics.
  9. I think you can build lane naut the same as jungle... just start with boots 3 pots or cloth 5 pots then get ninja tabi/mercury's (depends on the enemy team ofc), heart of gold and philo stone after that just start building the crazy tankyness ^^ Randuins, frozen heart, banshee's or force of nature and when u feel like having enough armor to survive most engages, just complete your shurelya's. Should work i guess
  10. ofc, every things has his advantages... But well most junglers have pretty much the same path, you can be rather sure a lee sin will gank either top or mid after ~3min. or you can predict where your jungler is at the beginning just by looking where your enemy is comming from after he helped his jungler. But well, everybody his opinion
  11. I know what cv does... I used it every game before, but since they nerfed it it just seems less attractive I'm just saying its way better to place a few extra wards around the map and get 1 extra summoner which can save you, your lane partner or ensure a kill.
  12. Why everybody hates it when i say "Taric jungle" ? Lost only 1 game so far with taric jungle due to 2 afkers
  13. I prefer buying a couple of extra wards and run exhaust flash. Wards is for 3min, cv only for a few seconds :) and exhaust can be the diffrence between life and death both early and late game
  14. cv sucks these days... Its way better to go like flash exh or flash ignite. Even flash teleport works on roaming champs like blitz, taric, leona ... but cv.. ye it comes in handy to check when they do baron or dragon or smthng.. but a ward costs 75g >.> just buy a few more in a game and you save yourself a summoner ^^ Exhaust can either give you a kill or save you from a death Ignite can ensure you a kill and teleport can save your friends around the map (I havnt used it a lot yet.. but worked sometimes)
  15. I'm not mad... i just don't like people asking things i've alrdy said :p
  16. Made this guide for v388, but basicly works the same http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=193477.msg1604419#msg1604419
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