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Everything posted by Michaeltje

  1. Hi guys,, Well i'm still lv24, so i dont have much IP to spend yet but i wanna get me a new set of runes. I alrdy got a rune set: - Greater mark of insight (+ magic pen) - Greater seal of force (+0.1 ability power/lvl) - Greater glyph of force (+0.17 ability power/lvl) - Greater quintessence of potency (+4.95 ability) Got this rune said to play mainly AP champs,, but i also started playing supports like Sona, Karma, Maokai (tank/jungle) and wanna try other supports/tanks later... but just can't buy them yet xD So my question is.. what runes you think are best to buy if i play mainly tanks/supports.. i was thinking of going mainly for armor/magic resist. Suggest me smthng :p
  2. Had 900 rp from all events over the passed year, today my extra 450rp <3 Soon 1 exp boost to get to lv30 and then i dunno wut skin to buy :p
  3. L2Net V392Beta works on retail [Not tested myself.. heard from somebody else on other forum] Version of l2net is shared here on maxcheaters, simple search l2net v392 and you'll find it w/o prob. I only tested it on a private god server (l2wild) and could connect... mind that its still beta so its not "uber"... he doesnt recognize most items, new skills or your hp/cp/mp.. so basicly its still a bit useless... Best to wait when it goes out of beta and then use it ^^
  4. Also true,, But think its just bcs a loottt of ppl logged on the same time.. server couldn't handle it they made rr and lags seem to be less for now...
  5. Server went on few mins ago Epic lag... they said they'll fix it tomorrow Server down again for a bit, dunno what they're doing atm
  6. Went on few mins ago Epic lag... they said they'll fix it tomorrow Server down again for a bit, dunno what they're doing atm
  7. He translated russian client to english... He says he's 95% done,, so we'll see when server is on :p
  8. L2Wild supposed to open this evening... original date to open was yesterday so dont know if they'll move it again :p
  9. Maestro for sure :p Powns in Hi5 will own in GoD ^^ lets hope xD
  10. I think private servers wont die... There are people that just dont have the time to play on a x1 server or that just dont want to :p. I personally also prefer pvp above pve... so I prefer atleast a midrate or higher. So I think if you got a bit good private server you dont have to worry a lot about the fact that official became free. Ofcourse private lowrate servers will get a beat i guess ^^ Lowrate private servers got bugs etc while official got none or alteast not that many and everything works, so better to play x1 on official then let us say x1/5 on private server. My thought :p
  11. I'm not 100% sure, but if you update your client to latest version fog will dissapear...
  12. You can test urself... make copy of file to somewhere else, delete from ur client start l2 and watch... if its fixed keep it deleted, if its not you paste it back... aint that hard, but it works >.>
  13. Just delete BG_Effect_T.utx from your textures folder... and its gone? That how i and all my friends did it :p
  14. Hi guys,, I was thinking a bit with a friend of me how we could reduce lags in mass pvp... We alrdy did these things: - playing lower detail (logic) - Deleting big animations from skills (or changing to smaller ones) - deleted animations from soulshots Now we tought of lowering the textures of the maps we play at... mainly our pvp is in primeval island or Antharas nest, so is it possible to convert those textures to some readable extension, then lowering it size in some way and converting it back? We kinda need anything to lower our lags during mass pvp :p since we use several chars at the same time (pvp bots) Thnx in advance :p Just need to know if its possible.. or if it even makes a diffrence.
  15. Hiho I think this is what you mean ^^ First you need to take the sounds from skillsoundgrp.dat (couldnt paste the whole list in here... was way to big, just take it with fileedit) Ofc you can also make your own soundeffects, make sure you converted them right. Now for the l2lige part Open l2lige, load your systemmessage-e file And done I never used it,, but this is how it should happen xD
  16. Ahh der moeten meer nl-ertjes of be-ertjes zijn O.o
  17. Lolzz Soon we are pvping with all lol-characters in l2.. Soccrer changed to Annie Ashe as Hawkeye :p Nice job :p
  18. Nah wont share my bot stuff here :p Got it on another forum alrdy
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