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Everything posted by Michaeltje

  1. You cant give karma xd But thanks anyway! Also for all other reactions <3
  2. Sephion closed either? Well anyway,, im without server, and wanna keep it like this for a while :p
  3. Lol you again :p I really see you everywhere Spanky/Michy/Lighty here from L2Fortuna, Relapse, what else did we play??
  4. 15 mins To show a bug to get out of jail,, for the rest i've never been in Jail in 5 years :p Im to good for this world <3
  5. Welcome to the community :) Greetz from Belgium. :p
  6. Thanks for all the reactions Did cost me some time to make, but well I like doing it :p
  7. Varka, Ketra or fog,, but fog alrdy some harder i think Hotspring region has ~70lv
  8. Hiho guys,, Her enjoy some dutch music :p
  9. Just a really fast and easy guide,, made of for my clan, but will it share here either :p Might be usefull since more and more servers starting to use it... since its easyer to move to another host or w/e since you dont have to remake the patch. Goodluck Hello guys,, This will be just a little fast guide to show you how to connect to a server wich have a dynamic IP. More and more servers use this cause its a little "protection" against noob botters, and also they can change from host without changing the patch :) 1. How to check if your server has a dynamic IP To check this you will need a little program; L2FileEdit (Download > http://www.multiupload.com/D8E5R2EXWI) Download the program and open it You will see this Click "Open and Decrypt" and search "L2.ini" in your L2 folder, its located inside your system folder. Open this and you will see this: If you see a link like i selected in the screen, then your server is using a dynamic IP. 2. How to start L2Net Since L2net cant use a dynamic IP we will need the real IP from this server, so lets take it! Open "CMD" and write netstat -n You will see some IP's now, this are all IP's you are connected to. So if you are 'smart' you close all things you have open and only open your l2 client, just log in as usual. Now open CMD and write netstat -n , you will see you got just 1 or 2 diffrent IP's there now. Most of the time the server has the IP with a large port behind it (2106 or 7777 is most used) Write this IP down, you will need it. Sorry but i hided my own IP's, this is the IP from a random server :p (www.l2freepvp.com) Now we got the real IP from this server, time to make our client able to connect to the server. Open your L2FileEdit and open "L2.ini", the same as before. We will change ServerAddr=l2freepvp.no-ip.biz to ServerAddr= So just insert the IP you found. Now click "Save and encrypt". Your client will still be able to connect normal to the server, just when the server might change IP you will have to search it again but as you see, it takes like 1 min. if you got the programs :) Just start up your L2NET as usual now, Goodluck Credits: Michael hr]
  10. cutting it out was terrible xD since the background contained gray and so did the armor xD But turned out rlly good,, Gj mix, as always :p
  11. Im not sure,, but it has something to do with your graphic card. I always kept it on 32, dont really need more i guess,, just like you say, you wont experience any better performance. I may be wrong,, but well cant know everything xD
  12. Looks rather good,, but somehow i dont really like the background Dont know if it are the colors or the shapes... overall its fine :p
  13. Im not good at that,, sorry xD
  14. Here is the render,, saved as png since i used paint shop pro
  15. Should do it,, Will post render in some mins :p
  16. Make a screen like i said,, then the quality is rather good Ill cut it out and post the render here,, im not good with brushes etc :p my sign is just a render with blur and a font xD
  17. If you scroll in on ur char, use alt H (make sure you got ur char fully in ur screen) then use high detail and make sure screenshot is saved as bitmap then you get rather good quality > my sign atm is also from screen ingame... i just duplicate the render, put a slight blur on the one behind the other to hide the sharp edges and rdy :p
  18. Topic editted,, Removed old download links since they arn't supported anymore -> Will upload new ones later on (You can still download launcher from the original website)
  19. If it might still not work download a patch from another server and just change the IP in l2.ini Patches are patched already xD as you can see in the name :p
  20. Sry,, already deleted to links at the bottom, forgot those xD Thanks both
  21. Hello again guys,, In this guide im going to explain you how to use L2NET as bot. I will explain IG and OOG botting adn where you can use it for. In a second part of the guide ill explain basics of scripting in L2NET, first i wanted to make a seperate guide for this, but it can be all made in one since its related to eachother anyway. I would like to start this guide by explaining IG, wich stands for In-Game,, This means you got L2NET connected to your server, but besides L2NET you also got a normal client open. We use this basicly to bot if you got Gm`s checking for bots 24/7, then you can react them more easly then using OOG or when you use L2NET to spam mp/cp/hp pots, i will explain this all later this guide. OOG means that you operate your character out of L2NET, this doesnt require an L2Client,, The advantage of this is that it doesnt make your client lag. This side of L2NET is mainly used for servers where botting is allowed (rare) or for buffers. How to connect to your server using L2NET In-Game (IG) You already know how to open L2NET now, if not follow the guide above To use L2NET IG first open your L2NET using L2NET.exe (Picachu). You will get this screen: Make sure you got Freya ticked on, or whatever client you will be using. Now we are going to log. click at the button "IG". He will ask for the IP of the server, loginport, local IP and another port. To get the IP of the server you will need L2FileEdit (You can download it here > http://depositfiles.com/en/files/7k62o84ec Credits to CriticalError) Open L2FileEdit and you will get this: Now click open and search for the file "L2.ini" in your System folder from the server. Open it and you will get this > You can see now the IP at the server, its written at "ServerAddr=...." This IP is what we need :) Back to L2NEt now, and fill in the IP, fill in the other fields as you can see on my screen above. When you filled everything in press "Listen" Now we are going to do it a bit diffrent then normal. Instead of starting our lineage by using L2.exe we are gonna use a little other file this will help us to get trough easy protections, it wont help against good protections (sorry) You will have to download this file > its just a few mb big > http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CXPHFXW5 Extract these files into your System folder (if needed overwrite files) This file will create another file called "Run.bat". (Run.bat is similar to L2.exe and basicly acts the same) So you still have your L2NET open, including all the info's filled in. Now double click "Run.bat", this will open a black screen (dont mind that) and then your l2 will start-up. When your L2 started up you can close the black screen and log-in at Lineage2 just as normal. Great job You logged into the server using including a bot program :) Why use L2NET In-game? As i told before, its mainly used for spamming items and a bit less for botting. I will explain you in this part how to use L2NEt to spam items, the botting part is the same as OOG wich i will explain later. Good, you got your account logged with L2NET IG. Go to your L2NET and click "Bot options". Go to the tab "Items", here we will do it all. We will be using a few boxes 1. Tick on the box under "On" 2. Chose at "Trait" what you want to recover (mp/cp/hp/...) 3. Chose at "Item" what item L2NET has to use to recover it. 4. At "XX<%" you can fill in under what % of mp/cp/hp he has to use the item 5. at "Delay" you can chose how fast he has to use the items (This is in milliseconds, 1 Second = 1000 milliseconds) When you filled everything in press "Add". You will see it will be listed down there. When you filled everything in you need press "Apply" to use all options, Afther "Apply" click "Close" to close the window. L2NET will take care of your pots now, goodluck! How to use L2NET OOG OOG is used mainly for 2 things, Buffers and Bots. Lets first login using OOG. Now we wont need a l2-client, this means less lags for your main char in-game :) So Open your L2NET and click the button "OOG" http://i51.tinypic.com/eu1wdi.png[/img] You will get this screen: http://i56.tinypic.com/2agudrp.png[/img] As you can see you will need the server IP again, you can get it like this: To get the IP of the server you will need L2FileEdit (You can download it here > http://depositfiles.com/en/files/7k62o84ec Credits to CriticalError) Open L2FileEdit and you will get this: Now click open and search for the file "L2.ini" in your System folder from the server. Open it and you will get this > You can see now the IP at the server, its written at "ServerAddr=...." This IP is what we need :) Now that we got the server IP you can fill it in. Fill in your ID and Pass and click "Logon" You will see the server name will appear in the first box, click it and press "Select Server" Then you will see all characters that you have on this account, select the character you want and click "Select Char" oke,, Well done, you are logged into the server by using only L2NET! Botting with L2NET using OOG oke, we are logged in now and our character is ready for use. Make sure you put your bot in the right area since walking and porting in L2NET isnt really easy... When your bot is on the right spot go to "Bot options" search the tab "Combat", you will get this: Lets explain how to set it up. Dont watch the first few boxes, we wont be using those. We will use just 4 boxes: Shortcut, Page, Delay and MP In the box under "Shortcut" you must write the number of the skill in what shortcut he is. This are your shortcuts: (Can be from 1 to 12) In the box under "Page" you must write the number of the skill in what page it is. This are your pages: (Can be from 1 to 10) In the box delay you can chose every how many seconds he must use the skill, its in milliseconds (1 Second = 1000 Milliseconds) In the box MP you can keep this on "100", this box means that the bot may use the skill only when your mp is higher then the number you filled in. When you filled everything in press "Add" We are not ready yet, Now go to the tab "Autofighter" If you use a fighter class as bot click at "Active Target" and "Active attack" If you use a mage classs as bot click at "Active target" The rest may remain the same. when you filled everything in you can press "Apply", you will see your bot will start farming already! Buffers using L2NET OOG There are several ways to do this, but still i prefer the way of using a Script. This is easy because the commands are rather easy to write and you can start your buffer with a few clicks :) I will learn you the basics of L2NET scripting using voice-commands, this means that you will have to say something to your bot, then he will buff you. Go to your L2NET folder and open the folder "IDE" In this folder you will see a program called "JingJing_IDE", with this program you can make and edit L2NET scripts. Open the program and you will see this > http://i53.tinypic.com/fjjl15.png[/img] Your program will automaticly open a clean script. However, ill give you a script from me wich you can edit. This saves a lot of time for me and for you, and basicly you can keep using the script over and over. This script is to get COV from an OOG-buffer using voice-commands: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5QA9XM48 This is how the script looks like: DEFINE INT SCAN_CHAT 1 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT X 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT Y 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT Z 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT RANGE 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT DIST 0 PRINT_TEXT "OOG Buffer COV Started!" X = CHAR_X Y = CHAR_Y Z = CHAR_Z WHILE SCAN_CHAT == ONE SET_EVENT "<&SCRIPTEVENT_CHAT&>" "<&SYSTEM_CURRENTFILE&>" parsechat SLEEP 1500 CALL MOVER VOID 3 X Y Z WEND END_SCRIPT FUNCTION parsechat DEFINE STRING MSG_BUFF "hello" DEFINE STRING MSG_BUFF2 "cov" DEFINE STRING MSG_COMMANDS "commands" DEFINE STRING MSG_LEAVEPT "Leave" DEFINE STRING MSG_LOGOFF "logout" DEFINE STRING MSG_PARTY "Buffs" DEFINE STRING MSG_NEED "commands" IF MESSAGETYPE == CHANNEL_PARTY IF MESSAGE == MSG_BUFF SAY_TEXT "<&CHANNEL_PARTY&>" "Hello <&SenderName&> need cov?" COMMAND "/target <&SenderName&>" SLEEP 500 USE_SKILL 1442 SLEEP 2000 //COMMAND "/leave" ENDIF IF MESSAGE == MSG_BUFF2 SAY_TEXT "<&CHANNEL_PARTY&>" "Goodluck with cov!" COMMAND "/target <&SenderName&>" SLEEP 500 USE_SKILL 1363 SLEEP 1000 COMMAND "/leave" ENDIF IF MESSAGE == MSG_COMMANDS SAY_TEXT "<&CHANNEL_PARTY&>" "Current Commands: dweap, dshield" SLEEP 1000 ENDIF IF MESSAGE == MSG_LEAVEPT SAY_TEXT "<&CHANNEL_PARTY&>" "leaving party..." COMMAND "/leave" ENDIF IF MESSAGE == MSG_LOGOFF SAY_TEXT "<&CHANNEL_PARTY&>" "Logging OUT NOW!!" CALLSUB LOGOUT ENDIF ENDIF IF MESSAGETYPE == CHANNEL_PRIVATE IF MESSAGE == MSG_PARTY COMMAND "/invite <&SenderName&>" SLEEP 500 ENDIF IF MESSAGE == MSG_LEAVEPT SAY_TEXT "<&CHANNEL_PARTY&>" "leaving party..." COMMAND "/leave" ENDIF ENDIF IF MESSAGETYPE == CHANNEL_ALLY IF MESSAGE == MSG_NEED SAY_TEXT "<&CHANNEL_ALLY&>" "PM me and say Buffs, in party say COV." ENDIF ENDIF RETURN VOID SUB LOGOUT FORCE_LOG RETURNSUB //---------------------Mover_walking Function FUNCTION MOVER 3 X Y Z DEFINE INT AUX 0 DEFINE INT MAX_TENTA 45 DEFINE INT DIST_VERIFI 0 DEFINE INT DIST_VELHA 0 DEFINE INT OUTRA_DIST 0 DISTANCE OUTRA_DIST X Y Z CHAR_X CHAR_Y CHAR_Z //PRINT_TEXT "Move Distance of <&OUTRA_DIST&>" MOVE_TO "<&X&>" "<&Y&>" "<&Z&>" SLEEP 500 DO DISTANCE DIST_VERIFI X Y Z CHAR_X CHAR_Y CHAR_Z MOVE_TO "<&X&>" "<&Y&>" "<&Z&>" SLEEP 500 DISTANCE DIST_VELHA X Y Z CHAR_X CHAR_Y CHAR_Z IF DIST_VERIFI <= DIST_VELHA AUX = AUX + ONE ENDIF DISTANCE OUTRA_DIST X Y Z CHAR_X CHAR_Y CHAR_Z LOOP OUTRA_DIST >= "#I35" RETURN VOID Explination of the diffrent commands: FUNCTION parsechat DEFINE STRING MSG_BUFF "hello" DEFINE STRING MSG_BUFF2 "cov" DEFINE STRING MSG_COMMANDS "commands" DEFINE STRING MSG_LEAVEPT "Leave" DEFINE STRING MSG_LOGOFF "logout" DEFINE STRING MSG_PARTY "Buffs" DEFINE STRING MSG_NEED "commands"[/Code] This are your commands, MSG_(name) is the name wich refers to the lines in the script itself the word between " " is the command you use ingame. [code]IF MESSAGETYPE == CHANNEL_PARTY This line refers to the chat where the commands will be written (In this case in your party chat) IF MESSAGE == MSG_BUFF SAY_TEXT "<&CHANNEL_PARTY&>" "Hello <&SenderName&> need cov?" COMMAND "/target <&SenderName&>" SLEEP 500 USE_SKILL 1442 SLEEP 2000 //COMMAND "/leave" ENDIF This is 1 command, as you can see this is the command wich is liked to MSG_BUFF Under this you can see a few codes: - SAY_TEXT > is the command to say something in a chat (you can see how its used above) - USE_SKILL > is the command to use a skill (You can find skill ID's by opening "Skillname-e.dat" in your system folder; this can be opened by using l2FileEdit) - SLEEP > this is the most important command, you need to use this afther every other command. This is a break for the bot before he moves to the next command, if you dont use SLEEP commands you got a chance that your bot will get stucked or skips some lines. I recommend you to use a sleep of 1000-2000, this is 1-2 seconds, so really not a problem. Afther every "IF" command you got "ENDIF" to close the command, dont forget these! When you finished your scripts save it and close the program. To start your buffer log-in OOG, as i explained above. When you are in L2NET chose the tab "Scripting" chose for "Set Script Main" and search the script you just made. Now go back to "Scripting" and press "Start Script" And your bot is up and running :) Now log your main char and test it out! This was my guide about using L2NET, I hope it was a bit usefull and i hope you understand it :) Sorry if it contains some spelling mistakes... but even im not perfect. Credits: Michael
  22. Hello guys,, I know there are already some guides about l2net, but well wrote this for another forum, so always sharring it here :) In this guide ill explain you how to start up your l2net. You may think this is easy, well it is! But still a lot of people have problems with it. Afther this guide you will be able to connect to your server without problems (unless they got the newest or good selfmade protections ofcourse) I had L2Net on WindowsXP and Windows7 and it runs perfectly, not sure about vista so you will have to figure that out yourself a bit :). Goodluck Downloading To download l2net go to this site > http://l2net.insane-gamers.com/ You will get this menu on the site > We will just need a few tabs, wont take long So in this guide ill explain l2net for Freya, since its the most recent version. Go in the menu to CT1 - Freya L2NET Download the first 2 files (the other 2 are not needed, those are maps for when you wanna play OOG, but you can also do this without :) ) Wait untill the files are downloaded and extract the 2 files in the SAME folder. First extract the Datapack (second download) and afther that the the L2net (v388) When you are ready with extracting it all your folder will look something like this: (I might have some more files since i already used l2net, sorry for that) So, now you downloaded l2net but we arnt ready yet. You will still need 2 small programs to be able to run L2NET You can find these 2 also on the site of L2net > http://l2net.insane-gamers.com/ These programs are from microsoft, but arnt originally installed. Download NET Framework 4.0 and DirectX. You can find these here > Also install these, its really easy :p. Now you are ready! You can launch your L2NET by using L2NET.exe (Picachu) I will explain you how to connect to a server, and how to use L2NET in my second Guide, wich is linked down here. If you dont get any error, then you did everything right :). If you might get an error it will mostly tell you whats wrong, if not try to google the error code and you will find how to fix it. This was my small guide about how to install/start-up L2NET, i hope it works without many problems. Credits: Michael
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