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Everything posted by SweeTs

  1. I see some nice serials and movies coming soon, more or less :D
  2. SweeTs

    Sad Story

  3. The question is, why you choosed paid / non free svn, lol.. There are sites with free plan -.-
  4. You have it already cloned. Now you have to create the project. It's really hard to google.. Let me do it for you.. :( Start from 4min.
  5. As always.. You should rename your nick to AlwaysBullshit.
  6. First of all, learn to make proper screens.. You did whole screen image and guess what, the most important, the error, is barely visible. :not bad: Secondly, why don't you simply google the error msg? Thirdly, you seem to be blind, read the error - Program%20Files, guess what, such localization doesn't exist. Want to find out more about the Eclipse issue, google it. :dat:
  7. There is no recent version and I doubt anyone will share it. So, better find any share and adapt it on your own.
  8. I see some drama. I don't understand a single shit, but I enjoy it, got my popcorn already.
  9. That's more or less what I said. When you let them all skills or not, it's one shit, it's only visual matter. Dwarfs everywhere, nothing more. So, the answer is no. It's nothing interesting and not worth to be made.
  10. SweeTs

    Sad Story

    Spread the love.
  11. Simply drop the godamn zone id, it's not rly necessary...
  12. Who cares, it's only visual.
  13. Search for the msg sent and edit the msg. Add a check about your zone, if inside send 'unknown', otherwise name (as it is) or simply another msg (your example) if inside. No other way.
  14. Yet, another great server coming soon..
  15. Isn't that obvious?
  16. Ofc you can, as you said it's a matter or another +. Yeah, I use it to get random id (stat).
  17. Open optiondata_client-e.dat from system folder. You will find all attributes id you are looking for. For my custom augmenter I put + Rnd.get(min, max) to generate random stat.
  18. You made 70k from l2 business and you need a sponsorV? :happyforever:
  19. There is simple sendMessage(), if you don't like it -> find the place and use Broadcast.announceToAllOnline( -> profit. Move your head.
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