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Everything posted by SweeTs

  1. Jeez.. You have site, you have forum. Pm him. Locked.
  2. It's ok, when he enable it, he will come back screaming that it's still not working. :dat:
  3. data/xml/npcs, if you want to add custom npc w/o editing the client, then check npc with id > 50000, these are custom and you have to use the same structure with templateId.
  4. There is no hope for you. Shut down your server immediatelly. There is enough brainless admins with their servers.. You can't even manage to click godamn "Enable" -.-
  5. 3, 2, 1 is a string.. I didnt know :dat: Eee not rly, he must update lib as well. Basically project to support java 7/8.
  6. Yeah, ofc, but I don't know what kind of job I would enjoy and feel fine, maybe I should become a porn star, lol ^_^ Gotta win few millions in Lotto, ez life on da grass. :D
  7. You have already created the files.. You only c/p event files and done. Rest of files you create patch, Team > Apply Patch > profit. Maybe like 20% of code will be necessary to add by hand due to line mismatch. And no, it's not only 'one castle'. Anyway, it's up to you. It's not hard to apply your changes again, since you can create patch and you have all your changes under your nose.
  8. Pay 10e > become customer > you got access to updates > apply diffs > enjoy up to date files. Also, your changes are like nothing. You can add them again almost in no time. Also, you can always create the patch/diff with your changes and then apply them, so it's like 5min of work.
  9. Yeah, ofc. But if you don't find a good job in another country, there is no point to do that. Everything depends on what you are capable of, what sort of job you are looking for. For example, if I would go to Germany and work there, I would have "similar" salary to what I do have here, in my country and if I exchange it to my currency, it's *4. Then it's a lot, a big difference. But living there on daily basis, won't create a big difference. I am not a type of 'money hungry guy' and I can afford many things, so I prefer to stay here where I am with semi good job and salary (average) :P I could go 'somewhere' for a year, two, three, then come back and I have money to build my house. Many people do like that. But while I have a 'good' job and I can't complain that much, I won't risk that I lose the job and I fail hard aboard and come back with hand in my ass - many ppl did. If shit happens in future, sure thing, nothing to lose so I can change country :D
  10. 1/3 of life - everyone working 8h/day waste it :p Sure thing. But you know, working in another country not always bring pros. I prefer to work for average wage in my country, have friends and family by my side rather than being a 'slave' in another country and get few bucks more.
  11. Tomorrow im going to cinema, suicide squad all the way.
  12. We simply have such low standards in our country. You can't calculate it like that. Sure thing, when you do so, it's facked up, you do the same shit as other ppl in Germany, UK and you get like /4 amount of money they get, when you calculate it to euros. :P
  13. No karasu No drama No spam
  14. Access features? Spamming 100%, originality 99,9%, braindamaged 0.1% :D
  15. No words pirama. Better read 1st page and stop posting nonsense.
  16. Everyone knows that he is a retarded scammer and you should not trust him, lol.
  17. Yup, it is Interlude. Ignore it, it's normal, clean system. I guess it's patches, so it's rdy to use.
  18. Thanks karasu, now we all can become a millionaire.
  19. Forgive me. Imma keep one next time ::)
  20. data/xml/admin_commands_rights.xml Account access_level is useful for example, when you set server gm only. So, only accounts with master level can enter server.
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