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Everything posted by SweeTs

  1. None is working with that chronicle. Even if someone do, will not share it, just sell. Your only chance is to update/replace your files using H5, here and there - where necessary.
  2. With mixed eu and ru community yes, only eu - almost impossible I would say.
  3. Depends on the server style, but 200-500 is legit number (if ppl like your server, otherwise as mrpro said). If you see 2k, that means its ru server and/or fake players and/or online counter *4 :dat:
  4. It's still fine. Not that much players as before, tho. Spread between Interlude and H5 :)
  5. Edit your first post and use bump button to bump your topic. @Shawtex If it's true, you can always report him @ proper section.
  6. Read rules about bump.
  7. There are always bad comments. Then pm Elfo or xdem :P Your welcome.
  8. Ohh my... Store whatever info you want, you have to store 'something', so you will not get reward (again) with another character and send msg about that, "hey dumbass, you already took your reward".
  9. Merged topics, there is no reason for separated topics as it's the same share.
  10. Jeez.. I am talking about YOUR problem, that multiple characters can take reward.. Read with understanding.
  11. Doesn't matter if you can get multiple reward when you change IP to the moment server get the vote ^_^ Ofc, as it's only checking if the vote from your IP has been made. So, you have to store the IP, but that will create problems for people who play from net cafe.
  12. Fixed. Pm xdem, NeverMore or simply check Marketplace for more ppl like Erlandys, Brut or Elfo. Choose wisely.
  13. The problem in this system is the rewarding. You have 3 ways make it individual reward based, like reward: Quest item, buyable item: non tradable add buff as a reward you need HWID support IP protection based won't work, what about people playing in net cafe? First come, first served, right.
  14. No idea. Should be easy to do, like store the x/y/z while pressing the skill and use it on skill launch.
  15. That logic.. Blame SweeTs.. :not bad:
  16. I will, also edit your post, otherwise it's gonna be locked. C/p rule.
  17. Locked.
  18. Looking at those videos, it's like both players pressed the skill in the same time as the distance is the same. That's why both 'missed', teleported to 'previous' location. I believe. :P
  19. Google L2FileEdit.
  20. The main logic setNoble is wrong. Try harder and then open server. Already shared. Stop sharing already shared things over and over again. Locked.
  21. Lmao, you dont even know what you want to buy -.- 'balanced' - my dwarf, bounty hunter can kill sorc ez, is that balanced for you? No, while for me yes. Stop talking about balance crap. Since for one it exist w/o changes and for other 'pro players' its not. Decide what you want otherwise you will get sparkling shit.
  22. Noo waiii.. Not a gay, latex? Only on girl, slap dat ass :D
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