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Everything posted by SweeTs

  1. Scripts.cfg actually exist hihihuhuhaha :troll: https://www.assembla.com/code/L2jFrozenInterlude/subversion/nodes/1117/branches/Beta/datapack/data/scripts.cfg
  2. This. This. That's the point of l2. So, following your 'footsteps thinking', we should give them max lvl, top gear and top ++ of the items, just because they did it milion times before? Get real. Leveling from 1-80 or w/e lvl we are talking about, is also a journey. They still can do the same as they were top lvl. This. When we will give them everything in less than an hour, they have nothing to do. They just afk in town for stupid vote reward for 100% enchant scrolls and such, and they seek for the pvp. If there is no enemy, they leave game cuz "there is nothing to do". That's why leveling, collecting various items is important. You always have something to do.
  3. Pack, what buffer is that.. Custom script .py or java?
  4. New generation of pathetic community, to be honest. They don't know the meaning of the game. They never experienced that. Old players are like dinosaurs.. It's not only about donations, it's fine, you have money and you don't want to farm, then why not. It's about lazy community who wants to gear up in less than an hour.
  5. And now dear Video, crawl back to your cave. @Tessa Leave him, brain damaged kid, who don't understand english.. Nor what he is doing. Christmas, he can't buy pills.
  6. Shared what? Seriously.. Stfu if you have nothing (smart) to say. Since this code HAS NOTHING to do with his request. You are another wannabe-attention-whore, even xdem don't pay attention on your posts anymore, guess why. Cut the crap, you are annoying.
  7. It's not what he is asking for. And rofl indeed. That's the check you need basically, but ofc it's not all. if (player.getParty().getMemberCount() < 5) { player.sendMessage("You need a party with at least 5 members."); return; }
  8. Ohh, now I see, since his english is kinda broken.. :D Another way would be to add a huge resistance for the fear type skills for that npc :)
  9. I did. Stop that spam guys. I have no idea what's your point Icarus, why you are so angry. To the point and cut the crap.
  10. You break the copyrights and you are not allowed to sell it, to be locked.
  11. Make it non attackable directly through instance. There is no point to make it invulnerable only for fear effect like Tessa suggested :D
  12. Moved to previews.
  13. Because they have no idea how to manage the pack on it's own / how to compile. That's okay. But reporting such problems is 'pain in the ass'. It's not working? Trash it.
  14. First of all, you are using "L2Gold" pack by Trance, we won't search for it and download just to help you. Secondly, you did not post the buffer instance. Thirdly, have you only problem with skills like level 130, meaning they are enchanted, or with any buff? Edit: The problem: skill 1363 is Chant of Victory, and as you know it's not enchantable - the skill doesn't exist. Change the htm to 1363 1 ID level 1363 1 - correct 1363 130 - wrong, such skill doesn't exist, bam error
  15. l2jnn come private/preconfigured pack. Probably he don't have sources. Simply change to legit pack :)
  16. http://wiki.simplemachines.org/smf/Main_Page
  17. Dont trust 1 post accounts.. You are getting scammer on your own request. Post proofs in Report Section.
  18. When you see it on server you got the name -.-
  19. Do it once again and you will be muted. Check the npc name and google it / check npcname.e-dat file and you will find the ID.
  20. Bumping Rules You're allowed to BUMP(Bring Up My Post) once every 24 hours. In order to do that, you must use the button. - Look at the picture below. Members can bump 1 topic per day, while VIPs & Donators can bump 3.
  21. In the past there were some 'linux' patches, dunno rly what they fix or w/e. About the 1st msg, you use using a laptop with a dedicated video card, by default it's using it's default card, not dedicated, that's why you got the message :) On my w8 and AMD video card I have a program where I can define which card should be used for X, Y program. Like this, I can chose high/low-performance - default, dedicated card. About 2nd program, no idea, Maybe it's related to 1st one and that's why it's not displayed correctly. Or sort of 'missing font', that would be funny :D
  22. One more double post and I will chat ban you. 5 posts in a row, you are breaking my balls. Locked.
  23. Weehehe, lord_rex's idea if I remember correctly :D
  24. We won't code for you. You only ask and ask for ready code, it's not working like that. Even Tessa won't help you :happyforever: I won't even explain you how to make it, since you won't understand a single thing, but anyway.. I will tell you how to make it You can take as a base the original L2TeleportInstance, clean it a bit, put a check about party and it's members amount on onBypassFeedback under you command, if it's null or < 5 then return; Then you have to make a for loop to check for the items @ party members inventory, if they don't have it return, if everything is fine then 2nd for loop with teleport. Bam done. Piece of cake :D
  25. Could it be geo file problem(?) flag_a 25_21.flag_a0 I don't think so.. 25_21 block is antharas lair, and the errors XYZ is near ToI, so no idea :D
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