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Everything posted by dandiarena

  1. Link? It's for school work :D
  2. what?
  3. 1000usd, well, learn in openenglish some classes, would not come bad my lovely friend gutys.
  4. let's make love
  5. FULL VERSION https://www.mediafire.com/file/aynci1bqelf2umc/Files-Guytis-Ext%2BUPD%2BVOTE%2BIDA%2BANTI.7z/file
  6. ArgentinaExt - Extender Free ##################################### Fix in general (All in ext y .ini) System Service in game (skin, race, color nick/title, karma/pk) Fix Hair Slot Fix Auction (In progress) Fix TvT agregados (looser reward, kill title, announce) System Announce (login hero,lord castle,top pvp/pk - enchant ) Fix Show Level Mob & Flags Clan Fix Custom drop para MOBS & BOSS Sistema Achievement BETA (In progress) NPC TEST: //summon test_server_helper Admin panel: //admin And a couple more things that I'm sure I forgot. TRY IT AND TELL ME THE SUPPORT IS TOTALLY FREE! Discord Grupo: https://discord.gg/Jh4KvAMb3m Descarga: https://bit.ly/ArgentinaExt
  7. People, I do this post to share details of how to start a l2off server, it is useful for any chronicle there are very few differences. In this case I am going to show how to build an OFF / PTS Interlude server (Extend Vanganth Crack for me). Pack Interlude: L2DandiarenaPackIL.zip Update Files Extender Crack - DandiaExt 1.2Video Extender: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krP80CIatAYVideo Create server: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8knW9yh_6YWEB: http://l2dandiarena.com/FANPAGE: https://www.facebook.com/l2dandiarenaGRUPO DISCORD: https://discord.gg/Jh4KvAMb3m If need help in ENG, chat me. sorry.
  8. Classic link are broken, and not link in login screen
  9. my files ares 100% real to online server, if dont know you can understand, more than 100 server do with that files, only little configs to get the server that you like
  10. that parameter never work, only if added with extender
  11. http://l2off.online/ free files, mini tutorial but spanish, if only see video will understand
  12. http://l2off.online/
  13. HARDCORE Server C4 x1 - 100% Retail. Without Third Skill's. Without additional Customs. Without Npc. No Donations. Vote Reward Active. All quest and 100% Functional systems. International Host paid 3 years. Free of any Bot, Bug, Attacks Ddos. Web: http://hardcore.l2c4.online/ Really HardCore server to the old school as they say, as was the officer more than 15 years ago.
  14. Free video start up a server off https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYcLMQhs2eozP_Ot-VGWjdw Programs: http://www.mediafire.com/file/9l9m3w1kt75fbk8/1.__Programas.rar/file Files: http://www.mediafire.com/file/0ku79cpjuk72jk9/2._Pack.rar/file All work 100% without bugs.
  15. I know it's possible to do it, the only thing I need is an aid or a little knowledge of how to do it. If need any program, any new compilation, etc.
  16. HI, i want to know that how to change name process l2server.exe , why? if you run 2 servers, the second says that l2server.exe its running and cant open, if the process name change, that not apeared and can execute 2 server y 1 machine. i try with some programs but stil working bad, i know that in depmax old with source it more easy to compiled.
  17. OnPulse C4 Best International PvP Server Open Beta Time : 25/5/2019 Time : 18:00 GMT-3 Close Beta Time : 28/5/2019 Time : 20:00 GMT-3 Grand Opening Date at : 31/5/2019 Time : 21:00 GMT-3 Website : http://l2c4.online Fan Page : https://www.facebook.com/l2c4.online #GENERAL RATES# Exp/SP: x3333 Adena: x3333 Drop: chance x20 Spoil: chance x20 RB drop: chance х5 Epic drop: chance х1 #ENCHANT# Safe Enchant: +7 Max Enchant: +99 Retail Enchant Chance #GAMEPLAY CONFIGURATION# Master Class - Yes 1° ,2° ,3° ,Class change Free! 3° Class Skills Working Quest SubClass: 100% Retail Quest Nobless: 100% Retail Noblesse: Noblesse Boss respawn 10 minute. Although you will not need to farm lunargents, which you can find in Shop. Olympiads: 100% Retail Offline mode Shop - Yes Auto Learn Skills - Yes Auto Learn Loot - Yes Auto Learn Raid & Grand Boss Loot - Not Anti-Bot System Geodata and Pathnodes - Yes Armors: Dynasty Weapons: Dynasty #BUFFS# NPC Buffer Player/Summon Free (Without 3°class buff) Max Slots: 24 Time Buff: 2 Hours #Game Shop# Armor and weapons up to S grade by adenas All consumables are available in the store. C-Grade, B-Grade, A-Grade S-Grade by Adenas. Dynasty by Farm Coins or Coin of Lucky #RAID BOSSES, EPIC BOSSES AND INSTANCES# All Boss have retail drops but have more quantity. #OLYMPIAD# Daily start at 20:00 GTM -3. 5+ registered players. Hero status is awarded monthly. No Limit Enchant #Clan Info# Siege Every 2 Weeks Alliance Limit: 2 clan No Clan penalty We will offer you PvP Balance Have Fun and Enjoy it!
  18. correct, i know that some devs are working with vangarth files extender. i talk with advext but they dont have any idea and his extender have less things than vangarth. a few month a friend buy to a people a pack, and activate but no, this guy dont apeared, he has the pack but he change de hwid host and need new key.
  19. yes old version, are newest version with more things and fixed and required activation by file key.
  20. Hi all! I searching who activates vangarth ext. (Not old, the new that still working in 2018).
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