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Everything posted by 'Baggos'

  1. I haven't hear for this bug, but it's a old TvT event. Yes, there are some bugs and bad/useless style methods, but I updated this for me. Many things has be changed. Like, dual box, players can not hit same team players, different join method, force sit before event start and when is ended and other things.
  2. Go to L2BossZone.java and add pvpflag onEnter method.
  3. A? What you looking for? More info... You need flag at Grandbosses zone?
  4. Good idea for server with 30-40 online players. All players can be in one place.. But what will happens if the whole system handle100+ players? Where solo players or clans can farm? There are only 2 areas in game with some mobs. TOI/Elven ruins. With 10 players on each area are enough to pk other players because the place will be full. And then? There isn't any place to farm. And a last thing.. Why your gk change? Non-Nobles players where they will farm if the only option of gk is for talking island level up zone? How we will exp for more than70 level? (Your mobs are 66 level). Keep the custom gk and only.. Unstable idea...
  5. [GR] Στρώσε κωλαράκι και ξεκίνα τότε.
  6. Go in clientpackets find the Request for trade and search for this message..
  7. Eclipse-> gameserver.handlers.chathandlers Open the shout chat. Remove the lines for the check if(activeChar.getPvpkills() Griego/Ingles foro. Buenos dias hermano.
  8. [GR] Για να ανοίξεις server θες ή απλά για project?
  9. Hello there.. I tried to search for those duals, but nothing.. If anyone have those duals (only the client side) or if he can create the clide side for me, I will be so grateful. Thanks advance! I do not need the description or something. Just the duals.
  10. I will not spend even a minute of my life to reply something here.. Only one think.. Not "was", but "is". Good morning.
  11. If you have 2GB ram on your pc, you can not give all your space to run this program. For tests, etc, you can set a value of 512 ram with disabled geo files. As SweeTs tolds you, edit your Gameserver and decrease the ram, then comment the geo files from config.
  12. First of all, I didn't tell something about you here. I just reply generally. And I haven't any problem with you.. But as I hear, you're scammer and I don't like people like you. (if true). Maybe all these people are wrong about you.. Who know.. But every 1 or 2 months, we will get report for you. Friendly..
  13. Scam once, scam forever! No one change!
  14. You can use the free share of this rebirth, and start working on it. Or you can pay someone for a full working rebirth system.
  15. As title says! 15e paypal for paysafecard. The paysafecard first, then the money.
  16. Καλησπέρα. Απλώς αλλάζεις το template_id. Επίσης, δεν θα έχει αυτή την μορφή με το που το κάνεις αυτό. θα έχει την μορφή από το template_id που θα βάλεις. Π.χ ένα Gremlin. Edit: Κατάλαβα λάθος.. Καμία σχέση αυτό που σου είπα.
  17. Try this.. Works for me (for aCis). https://pastebin.com/wMTF6NF4
  18. Κατέβασε το zoom μέχρι να φτιαχτεί.
  19. This guy just said a opinion(no bad words or something) for us. There is no reason to report something like this. We have Democracy! We will don't flag/ban anyone because he said "Greeks are a problem for l2 servers".
  20. Έχει δίκαιο! Και γω βάζω ασυναίσθητα.
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