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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. IS that even a guide? For which lane is it? and wtf is this build/runes?
  2. Then dont say that also by checking your scores, you were mostly carried , not carry yourself :D
  3. i PMed maxtor, will spam him a bit as well Find me the old topic you did, or mixmaster will do them :P
  4. Leave a free game for a Pay to play one...and LOL is way better and easier And with the evolution LOL has..get real
  5. Really thanks for counting them, i didnt have the time :P Thanks to Middleman(Valve) who did the half job yesterday too ;)
  6. and since i didnt vote, most loved goes to ED and active user to Raule
  7. whatever, ima gonna lock this for now, would be glad if someone could count the votes :)
  8. Good job, even if i have made something almost the same in the past
  9. Remember what's needed to be a Moderator before you start posting shits and such Maturity is No1 priority for a start, then goes shares and everything else Whatever, i would always suggest vazelos , but he will troll us for sure :P
  10. chatbanned 7 days αντε γιατι δεν ξερω και εγω τι το ειδατε ολοι εδω μεσα
  11. ε και να τον κανω ban, θα κανει new account. Kαι δεν καταλαβαινω γιατι θιγεστε τοσο, ειναι ενας διαδικτυακος ιστοτοπος και ειναι spam section...
  12. Και μετα παραπονιεσαι γιατι εφαγες dekarma Το κλειδωνω εδω, το παραγαμησατε
  13. Κατάλαβα μωρέ μλκ που να εξηγώ από το κινητό ζζ
  14. Reptant_


    Remove your Signature and try again
  15. φυσικά και ξέρω τι έγινε, και δεν είπα ότι τα λοκς ηραν ΤΟΣΟ τραβηγμένα, αλλά αυτές δεν ήταν αντιδράσεις.Θα σου εξηγούσα τι έπρεπε να γίνει αλλά δεν αξίζει γιατί δεν νοιαζοσουν anyway Όσο για το ban ξέρεις ότι χεστηκα για το ddos, και οτι αν είχα διαβάσει κάποιο παρόμοιο ποστ ο καθενας θα είχε φύγει
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