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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. This topic has been moved to LoL General Discussion [English]. [iurl]http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=234840.0[/iurl]
  2. Στις περισσοτερες περιπτωσεις κραταει μονο του το PC, αλλα εδω λογικα το blockarei κατι αλλο..(χωρις να αποκλειω αυτο που λες)
  3. Couldn't the old L2MxC website be used? Just saying? Anyway, the costs are really that high. Server will prolly have people and donations , but it's always so risky :/ I know money are needed for this, but the amount can be reduced if you rush some things Nick ;) In game, anti-bot protection
  4. Safe mode, και επαναφορα απο εκει μεσα λεμε
  5. Το πιο λογικο ειναι να ειναι μια πλακα, με ιο απο καποιον μυ-κυβερνητικο ;)
  6. Μα δεν εχουμε καποια ομαδα που να ειναι σε competitive επιπεδο, και ακομα και αν ειχαμε θα το ηξεραν ηδη :/
  7. ειναι παρανομο να βλεπεις παιδοφιλικο πορνο ;/
  8. Reptant_


    You would lose these posts anyway. It's like making threads only for posts...that's not the purpose of this anyway, just passing this right now at rules There is nothing to discuss. Yap, lets all make 20 sell threads and take 20 posts./day!
  9. Reptant_


    Seriously, stop being stupid You have your daily bump there, we just delete the previous not needed bumps
  10. Reptant_


    All bumps except the last one(the only needed) are deleted.
  11. why do you care so much? It's something between us ;/
  12. Tryskell is right in this - even if this isn't clarified enough @ rules, it will be in future. Gonna lock this for now - Tryskell knows what is hes doing
  13. anyway, i deleted your posts, and will continue deleting all same posts from that board in future locked
  14. Not my problem if you cant check section rules. Check it now. There were 2 choices, either 1 topic for ALL accounts, or that that's better, i guess
  15. Το οτι σε ενα ματς με low enemies εκανες τετοιο σκορ σημαινει οτι εισαι καλος; Καταρχας, το οτι ειναι το 10ο acc σου λεει πολλα, imo
  16. why do you want him to be demoted?What's your problem? I can say, your promotion was as invalid as his. Therefore, it's only maxtor's thing, if hes demoted and when. And yes, ITS OVER.
  17. δεν με νοιαζει ποιος μπηκε με το account σου, ειτε εσυ το εκανες ειτε καποιος αλλος, ειναι το ιδιο. banned
  18. Sorry, but doesnt worth more than 10$(Actually, 10€ is a very overrated price indeed)
  19. https://www.google.gr/#hl=el&sclient=psy-ab&q=ps2+bios+download&oq=ps2+bios+download&aq=f&aqi=g3&aql=&gs_l=hp.3..0l3.3078l4794l2l4872l9l3l0l6l6l0l264l545l0j2j1l8l0.frgbld.&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=623f161aff9d64cc&biw=1920&bih=910 Cause i cant actually test whats working and whats not :/
  20. A forum doesnt die cause of a bad moderation, but from his overall plan failing over time. If you can follow new trends and such, this happens. ANYWAY Maxtor banned him, i dont even know the reason. Ask HIM
  21. so what should this mean? stop locking randomly threads
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