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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Windows cause I have a windows phone Even if it has only 5 languages No Bluetooth No ringtone Difficult connection to pc And..
  2. Οταν ξεμπερδέψω με τις πανελλήνιες βλέπουμε, αν ήμουν μέσα χθες θα είχε φύγει ήδη ban πριν ξεκινήσει τιποτα @noble Μην κανείς πολλ άδικος κόπος λολ απλά κάνε ότι είναι να κανεις
  3. Self-punishing/moderation Won't happen anyway
  4. Αλλά το έκανες delete. Και να το ξαναβαλεις=lame
  5. Επίσης, εαν ξανασπαμμαρει κάποιος στο report, instant -1
  6. he dekarmaed me,no unban :P
  7. banned and posts deleted
  8. banned
  9. Το παιρνω ως ενα κακογουστο αστειο και το κλειδωνω, γιατι ξερω που θα καταληξει.
  10. Put proper credits next time(topics where you got them help even more) For anything else, pm me
  11. Only if credits are correct...even tho we mostly care about sharing, correct credits should be applied in every topic.
  12. Not really caring, atleast he shares something. If he continues i will even give him a reputation point
  13. 2 things: If you have put more than 1 name in a category, only the first will count And Voting ends at 27 April
  14. Keep the topic in English, thanks
  15. Both banned.
  16. banned
  17. Share them @ offtopic/programming/
  18. raule and crystalin change your avatar to normal, real
  19. Είσαι η καλύτερη
  20. As for guiding, he sucks I prefer SivHD, atleast he got correct tactics and such
  21. I was at 1450++ for a kinda long time, and when i moved at west @ 1300, they were playing A LOT BETTER and every kid @ east gets a high rating just by getting poland/russian enemies
  22. Dude, 1500 at east is like 1300 at west. Get real
  23. Νοt really, if you say so then you are a 900 elo player :P (even tho, 1400'ers at east are just luckers that got at that elo)
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