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Everything posted by ileclipse

  1. poli kalo guide to kratao to topic gia na anikso 2 server se ena login kai kati alo pos kano na kouniete mia ikona
  2. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=33769.0 des edo pos na balis mia bufer giaz na kani to pack sou
  3. kalo alla oti lete se afto to topic metrai diladi etsi ine prota tha me to 3 kai polli leo heal ta monster pou barane ton da thaarxisoune ton buffer opote mateo
  4. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=105731.0 des edo me mono ena program kani ola ta bufs osa sec balis esi thelis diladi
  5. afto mpori na piani kai se allous server
  6. ekana ena search kai den brika paromio brabo lipon
  7. apo net cafe ebelepa pigenan ta pedia se siege kai me arese kai ekana proto char elf archer
  8. Destroyer The destroyer is a master of weapons, if you don’t have 3+ “situational” weapons in your warehouse or on your person, you simply aren’t playing the class to its fullest. Majestic heavy is good with +STR, doom heavy +6 works well with +CON. Blue wolf heavy +6 would help you to catch up with slower targets in PvP Tyrant Tallum heavy and blood tornado with Focus worked very well in C3. I have seen a lot more tyrants recently in light armors instead of heavy, especially nightmare light with dragon grinders, most likely with the health SA. It also doesn’t hurt to have another set of fist weapons for PvP with some sort of risk SA on them, for when your hp drops below 30%. +STR : more damage. +DEX : faster attack speed. +CON : more HP for PvP, but get a health SA as well
  9. pas sta gameserver config kai pas sto gmacces
  10. wraio site pos to kano na treksi me diskw
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