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Lucky Dice

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Everything posted by Lucky Dice

  1. ok mate good luck me ton server s +1
  2. Adwni accept sto skype :alone:
  3. How many grand opening for that server??
  4. what self buffs ??
  5. My pet will deal you 15k dmg :gtfo:
  6. i can donate or farm them :D
  7. La2Proffesionals best administrator :gusta:
  8. No wipe ?? How new players are supposed to play at PVP Server vs guys that have 17k pvps ??
  9. Can u post a link for Gracia Final Client on ur website , upload a rar with ur system folder too because u will get denied from hopzone,topzone with just updater. Also i am using windows 10 i hope ur files support my OS. Your site need some fixes .. 1st of all you cant view the features you need to register on forum. 2nd at connect page the infinity odyssey server is displayed first , i dont think it's a good because this server is off.
  10. proofs ??
  11. ban soon inc :troll: :troll:
  12. np feel free to reply here any questions related to this if u have problems..
  13. Waiting for opening bro... :poker face:
  14. One guy gave me his character and had full +13 to creat him a server i dont need to post proofs since server is wiping every 1 week and never played with it or took any picture of character , l2tales is unbalanced full bots and corruption nothing to compare with Averia. Also the developer from averia working for ubisoft...
  15. Talking about ddos is not allowed but anyway :) Also averia dont have +13 sets donation and custom QHP/CP pots. Good luck breaking stormwall ddos protection.
  16. There is one more way with SQLi Dumper Combos but it's more complicated. You can get enough hits by editing my password list to your server most common passwords with scrape method,both methods are good but i wont post any SQLi Method due fraud informations(i also deleted the sqli from folder so it wont work run it from the launcher).
  17. A small guide explained with photos how to crack league of legends accounts with Sentry MBA and configs for brazil,eune,euw,korea,lan,las,na,oce,pbe,russian and turkey. Download that programs to proceed. 1)Sentry Mba Download Link 2)RitoAPI Scraper v2.0 Download Link 3)WZScraper Download Link Open RitoAPI Scraper 2.0.exe and write ur region example eune Now it will ask you to add start and end range go to lolking.net write your summoner name take the id and write it at console , you can add end range for how mutch accounts you like example for 1000 accounts you will add +1000 of the first ID (ID=1000 u will do it 2000). Now u will get asked if u want to crack only 30 level accounts, i will put yes. Select if you want scrape only inactive accounts... When scrape end close the tool and u will get Scrape Results txt in ur Folder. Time to use WZScraper open it click add select the results import the pass list click the third option and export. You can use my passlist it's not good but you can edit it http://pastebin.com/fXHMHkaM Now let's go to Sentry... Run SMAToolkit and run Sentry MBA First Import the wordlist , go to Lists > Wordlist and import the txt u export from WZScraper It should look like this after import it. Now pick the config for the server u want to crack follow the steps. Go to Settings > General and click Load Settings from Snap Shot (*.ini) Now select the config that is located at SentryMBA Aio Toolkit > Autoplay > Configs Now the only left to start cracking is to find a good working proxy list and Load them at Sentry MBA , go to Settings > Proxylist and click load proxies. Now go to Progression and press go to start cracking. Good luck :D
  18. that files are from data/scripts what u did on navicat exactly?on what table?
  19. That happend if scripts are not from the same files i mean build
  20. http://www.exchange-paysafecard.es/ one friend of me told me that it's trusted , i dont take any rensposibility about that. 1.I didnt made any trade there 2.With that guy was working together and he took the dedicated server and all my work and gone If u need the money fast maybe u can try it or u can wait... Also contact magaki13 on forum
  21. contact on skype psomas.2
  22. pare auto to pack http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/178701-l2ps-phoenix-fandc-based-pack-and-svn-h5/?hl=l2ps aksizei polu parapano
  23. trsuted n skilled go on :) good services
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