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Lucky Dice

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Everything posted by Lucky Dice

  1. Sunxwremenos , eipa gia kamenous oxi gia xazous :P Pes mas gia ta kalodia sou pou ta phres 10.000$ ta exeis gia na ta dagwnei o lagos sou h sou xrhsimeuoun se tpt ??
  2. ta build panw apo 500$ einai gia kamenous sorry pou sto lew
  3. mhpws perimenes na sou parei kai mia vila h google me ta proxy traffic pou estelnes? :okey:
  4. Dont buy vps from ourat because he will steal ur files and sell u shared ovh ip and u will have problems with top sites :D
  5. try make the gameserver listen at your no-ip
  6. Maybe the dont have datacenters at your country,where are you from? http://www.soyoustart.com/ie/ same servers as ovh
  7. Try use the default ipconfig xml what do you mean crashed ?? using your router ip will not work , does your rooter allow you to open the ports at ur own ip ??
  8. Intel Core i5 8GB DDR3 1TB 7200RPM SATA 6Gb/s Nvidia GeForce GTX 770 2GB GDDR5
  9. You cant delete your rooter :mellow:
  10. haha lot of routers dont allow you to port forward your ip because it's not dynamic
  11. well his problem is that he cant open the ports on the router because the rooter dont allow it and firewall it's already allow that ports read the thread and then post
  12. is your rooter gateway i guess not ur ip. can you post your gameserver and loginserver properties ?
  13. with 30$ you chould buy better server
  14. +1 :happyforever:
  15. He is working for ubisoft man he is best graffic designer at europe.
  16. I didnt say i dont give a fuck for maxcheaters that's only on ur mind.
  17. i think my hard drive have virus too bcz of ur fb photo :happyforever:
  18. my phone dont support this game :'(
  19. Why to get banned ?? Are you retarted ?? :gtfo:
  20. rename it to AccessDenied then :angry:
  21. Ωραία μέρα σήμερα είχε πολύ ζέστη
  22. What kind of custom you need??
  23. What do you mean custom,you need custom items on it ??
  24. Post screens of the error.
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