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Lucky Dice

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Everything posted by Lucky Dice

  1. free blowjobs :lied:
  2. I dont really need something i already own the money i will need for the project but the partners are never bad. I am not pirama to sell you codes.
  3. Useless post like always.
  4. 2 skin όπως είπαμε , shaco και jarvan έτσι και αλλιώς δεν παίζω πολύ lol και ιδικά αυτούς τους champion.
  5. Άσε τις πηγές ρε κάνω πρώτος trade.
  6. FORTUNA ΖΕΙΣ Η ΚΑΗΚΕΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΠΥΡΚΑΓΙΑ ? :y u no?: :y u no?:
  7. You got wrong logic. Also the money i need from sponsor is for website / advertisment / design so if u can help on them it's fine.
  8. Funny and i though retards no have sense of humor :P
  10. You are sick bro :'(
  11. you are retard :okey: Why you think that is not good deal ?? ​My payments will be 200$ + every month for hosting and advertising , you will pay once.
  12. i accept all comments :) :) Didnt say that i am working for aCis :mellow: And about my skills i bet i can beat you at almost everything.
  13. I am talking about my unlimited traffic wtf..
  14. My server is 100% protect , please dont cry. RETARD X2 THREAT WITH DDOS NOT WORKING FOR ME. back on your bot server pl0x :P
  15. I will also invest money to that project i am not asking for money and maybe you dont know the meaning of "sponsor". At least i have the skills to do it and i am not retard like you :poker face:
  16. About 150$+ Sponsor will have 30% of monthly donations.
  17. Eagle_Eye ti 9a ginei re guftaki 9a to doseis to account gia 2 skin ??
  18. What u talking about?
  19. Τι γνωρίζετε ?? :-[ :dat: :not bad: :poker face: :lied: 8) ^-^ :P :angry: ^_^
  20. It's not my problem , developer was away 2 days after grand opening and ppl left because of bugs. I had 475 ppl in 5 minutes at G.O
  21. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/173812-l2enyo-pvp-x3000/
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